Why we are called an "Action Alliance "


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
Why We Are
Called An
“Torbay Dementia Action Alliance”
Today we had a meeting of the TDAA (Above) and discussed how far we had come in the last 17months since we have been going and plans for the future. I am so pleased to say that one of the “Actions “we are about to undertake is a HUGE fundraiser in November to fund something that’s very close to our hearts.

We have none other than the “Military Wives” lined up (TBC in next two weeks FINGERS CROSSED) to appear at the Babbacombe Theatre, Torquay. This is a 600 seating arena and they always fill every seat when they play, along with the half time raffle we are hoping to raise thousands of £££££££`s

This is where the “Action” part comes into it. With the funds raise, we are going to buy (as soon as possible,) the GPS alarm sets for those people with Dementia who are classed as very vulnerable and at high risk by South Devon police and ask the police to distribute them as they see fit. I asked ALL steering group members to pass this today at the meeting and it was passed in a heartbeat.

This is why we are called an “Action Alliance” and not a
“”Let’s have a meeting and talk about the last meeting Alliance!!!!
Since we were born, just under 17 months ago we have consulted on plates, cutlery and Dementia signage for 23 local hospitals regarding dementia, and has since been acted upon; we have raised funds for different dementia charities, we have created a “Building Bridges “site
To help both Nurses and carers come together and help each other, and let’s not forget the Planting Memories page
(Still ongoing and big news coming up in next few weeks) which will help so many in Later stages of dementia enjoy their life’s.

On top of this we also as you know, continue to help and support anybody, both in business or privately with any problems they may have regarding Dementia. This has all been achieved by only a handful of people who do not take payment in anyway, but have decided to dedicate their lives to helping others. We are not just about people in early stages, or late stages but about helping others no matter what stage they are in with dementia, not forgetting to help the loved ones, carers ect who also work so very hard, day in, day out.
From these small beginning has been created, thanks to Lyn and Jeff one of the best WWW. Sites in the world bar none regarding Dementia called http://www.purpleangel.org.uk/
With the help of my wonderful friends in the USA and Canada, Netherlands, Australia and beyond, the Purple Angel (Torbay dementia action alliances own logo) has now become a worldwide Dementia aware logo and there is talk about making it into a stamp in some countries!!!!!

That’s why we are called an ACTION ALLIANCE!!!!

I am so very proud and very humbled to be a part of this movement which has made friendships all over the world and broken down so many barriers I am surprised if any are still standing!! Thank you`s never seem enough my dear friends, but from the heart, thank you so much for your support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx