Where to start?


Registered User
Jun 4, 2014
My Dad has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's,
Can anyone tell me where to start with respect to where to get help and what he may be entitled to?


Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
My Dad has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's,
Can anyone tell me where to start with respect to where to get help and what he may be entitled to?

Hi Platty,
You will never go short of good advice on this site. I'll kick off but I'm sure others will follow.
1 Alzheimer's society are a good source of advice and answers
2 Getting lasting power of attorney while your Dad is able to agree is a really good idea as it is harder to sort things out later. We did it as soon as husband was diagnosed last year.
3 you can apply for attendance allowance for him - there are threads on here about that and most people say that getting Age Concern or similar to help fill in forms is the most successful route.
4 when he has attendance allowance you can apply for reduction in council tax.
5 there are memory cafés in most places; they can be be beneficial to both person living with dementia and carer.
6 in our area Alzheimer's society has friends / befrienders who are volunteers who will spend time with someone doing something they like to do.
7 I went on a two day CrISP course run by Alzheimer's society for carers where I learnt a lot more about dementia as well as financial and legal issues.
My situation is a little different as I am caring for my husband (we are both in our 60s) so I provide food and generally look after the house issues. I am sure you will get further advice from people in a similar situation. My very best wishes to you and your Dad. Keep posting and reading on here, you're never alone x


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi patty sorry to hear about your dad but you've come to the right place for advice. A warm welcome to you, theres always someone here to give you great advice. Good luck with your dads care. lindax