Where to go for help and support when living with someone who has vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s


New member
Jun 3, 2024
My family are struggling with father in laws vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s. He is starting to constantly loop and has deteriorated quite suddenly. My mother in law is finding it very difficult. They still live in a big house, big garden, and it would be too stressful for them to move into something more manageable and smaller, and safer without stairs.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Babs747 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum but sorry to hear about your father in law's sudden deterioration and how this is effecting your mother in law. When there is a sudden change in someone with dementia it's a good idea to have them checked by the GP to rule out an infection or other health problem as things like a urine infection can cause havoc and result in a rapid decline. If this has been ruled out then it may be helpful to request a care needs assessment for your father in law and a carer assessment for your mother in law from their adult social care team to establish the level of help and support that they need (details in the link below).

Although moving to a safer and more manageable property may seem daunting at the moment it may be that your mother in law will become more amenable to this as her husband's dementia progresses, but in the meantime it might be worth requesting an occupational health assessment to see whether there may be equipment available to make things safer around the house. This can usually be requested via the GP or adult social care team, depending on the local authority, but details should be held on their website. Hope this helps, and there is friendly support here when you need it from people who understand.


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