When to get re-assessment


New member
Nov 27, 2022
Hi - my husband was diagnosed with MCI 15 months ago - almost certainly it is vascular in origin as he has had at least three TIAs.

He is definitely considerably worse than at diagnosis and has stopped feeling he can use the telephone and write emails. He complains that he can't think like he used to - this from a man with three higher degrees in 3 different disciplines. He isn't coping with various activities if out of his normal routine. For example he got terribly confused with his meds when we went to stay with our son for the weekend because the meds weren't with his toothbrush. He has difficulty with "process" - for example when making a hot drink he doesn't remember that the first thing to do is put the kettle on - we have a gas hob kettle which takes a while to boil. Instead he'll slowly find the tea or coffee, get the mugs out and only then fill the kettle. He's also been very depressed (definitely linked to MCI) and is now on Mirtazapine.

My question is at what stage do I request a re-assessment? Or - can I apply for Attendance Allowance at this stage without it? I need some funding as he's stopped gardening properly and so we need some help there.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Welcome to Talking Point @Niblet. I am sorry to read that your husband’s condition seems to be getting worse and from your description would suggest that you should request a new assessment now.
I would also suggest that you apply for the Attendance Allowance. You might find it useful to ask the likes of AgeUK to help you complete the form. When doing so describe the worst possible days. You might find that you have to repeat the same information on different parts of the form.
It might also be useful to arrange a needs assessment for your husband and a carers assessment for yourself. I know this seems a lot of things to do but one step at a time.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I would ask for a rereferral to the memory clinic. 50% of people diagnosed with MCI go on to get a revised diagnosis of dementia within 12 months.

Yes, you can apply for Attendance Allowance - it is awarded depending on needs, rather than diagnosis. Do get help filling it in as it is complex and it is very easy to downplay needs.