What to do now.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
My husband has Lewy Body with Parksinsons and hardly leaves his bed. In the last few days he has changed (no ITU) and it is quite worrying but don't know who to ask about it. We have been dismissed from Memory Clinic, OT etc have stopped coming and doctors is mostly on the phone as I can't get him to the surgery.
What has happened (Monday) is he was sat on the commode in the bedroom and when I went into the ensuite he got up off the commode to get the men in the corner, fell over his breakfast table onto the floor and has a bruise and grazes on his forehead, no cut. He was fine all day but all night he was shouting, thrashing and talking and I got no sleep. All day Tuesday he slept or lay gazing at the ceiling. I slept in next bedroom as I was so tired and at 2 am he is outside the door shouting for his grandmother. He has rails up at the bed but he shuffled to the bottom and climbed over the commode and walked down the hallway to my bedroom.
I have no idea how he did this but know he did as the commode lid was missing and the material straps broken. I managed to get him back to bed but he never slept, breakfast he wouldn't eat and has been gazing up at the ceiling or sleeping for most of the day, he was lucid for a while and doesn't remember anything and when he speaks I can't understand what he is saying.
Is this a normal progression and should I ring the Doc or is it just how it goes. Not understanding him and the gazing has been going on a while but is getting worse.
Thank you.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2019
I’m not an expert but if these are new behaviours then I’d recommend that you call the GP and request an urgent home visit. On a side note, bed rails shouldn’t be used if the person might try and climb over them…other options include beds which lower down near floor level. That would need a review by an OT.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @60'sGirl as your husband's behaviour has changed since falling and sustaining injuries to his head on Monday you do need to seek medical advice. If you don't have an out of hours GP ring 111 and explain what has happened. They will then advise you on what to do.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
I’m not an expert but if these are new behaviours then I’d recommend that you call the GP and request an urgent home visit. On a side note, bed rails shouldn’t be used if the person might try and climb over them…other options include beds which lower down near floor level. That would need a review by an OT.
The bed sides have been there for at least 5 months and he has never even tried to open them never mind climb them. OT were here recently to organise the installation of a wet room and said they were fine as did the carers we had for 6 weeks recently. I will ring the surgery tomorrow and see what they say, our Doc doesn't work today that is the reason I didn't ring this morning.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Smack to me of a UTI, which resulted in him falling ( & seeing things- very common)
He had a UTI test recently and he sees things all the time, we have penguins who live under the bed, animals live on the window sill and assorted people visit us all the time but thanks for the reply.