well I don't believe there is no hope; or ever will.


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
Yes please stay , as I can feel as much anger as you in how the system works , but do not have so much testosterones as a man :) so I can control my anger not let my ego get in the way, but ha its good to sound out how you feel about medication for your wife and how the government are holding it back . Lots of good advice in this thread in how to balance it all out, all those emotions as long as you don’t hit the bottle to surprises that anger .

All I could think of this morning about your posting is that they don’t do that to people on chemo, imagine if government took that away from them.

They found the funding for chemo , so find the funding for Medication for AZ


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hi Micky - please don't get banned - we all need each other for the different opinions that come through. I really think you have to read and absorb Nell's post - it was brilliant.

I feel angry about the lack of medication in early stages - a lot of campaigning has been done on that (other threads on this forum will prove this to you). Please keep on even keel with your medics (gp, consultant, cpns etc.). You will need them in the future and on the whole most of them will help as much as they can. There is constant research and new medication may be available - hopefully in time to help your wife. (I think no-one should see your wife as beyond help - its just that the thinking at present is that 'Aricept' (the most common drug) is now only available at the middle stage of Alzheimers. I just keep hoping something even better will be available before long.

Enjoy the fun you can have with your wife - she sounds lovely - you can still have a wonderful time together. Try to join your local Alzheimers Society - there is tremendous friendship to be found in some of their groups.

Take care Best Wishes Beckyjan


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland

Congratulations and thank you. You could have reacted in so many ways to our posts. We're all feeling a bit vulnerable at present, having been at the receiving end of anger from other sources, and I know I for one was hesitant about how to reply to you. But you are a perfact gentleman, and your wife Rita sounds a lovely lady.

Please work with us. We need each other so much, for advice, support, and particularly for friendship. It's a lonely business, caring for a spouse.

Please don't get banned, we want you among us.

Best wishes,


Registered User
Feb 24, 2006
I am thinking of a friend of my mother's whose wife had early onset dementia; as soon as he was aware of it and had taken early retirement to look after her he arranged for her to go into respite 1 week in 8, so that if it became necessary (if he was no longer able to look after her alone) she'd be used to the idea and it wouldn't be such a shock. And they were still at that stage 20-something years later when my mother died (and of course I haven't had any more recent news of them as my mother's friends haven't generally kept in touch).

I don't know whether they arranged that privately or through social services.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2006
mickyinlondon said:
To the Moderator; Noel, I give you a free-hand to deactivate me if you see fit; without any recrimination or bad feeling on my part; I tend to write straight from my heart; and this often offends others; hence I have been banned before; and probably will be again; somewhere; this I cannot help; and I will never change; I know myself.


Hi Micky

I have no wish to 'deactivate you' - apart from anything else it sounds painful! :eek: I only mentioned banning in the first place because you did, if you see what I mean!

Thank you so much for this post. I can see that we would all be the poorer if you went away again, so soon after finding us. I hope you will also feel that you will be glad that you found TP and want to stay with us. As I am sure you will have seen from the replies that you have received, our members are wonderful! :D

Take care and keep in touch


Grannie G said:
Micky, I know this is a sexist statement, but it takes a big man to listen.

We may not show it, but many of us are just as angry as you are, feel just as let down as you do. But we need to apply ourselves firstly, to the task in hand, caring for those who depend on us.

In time, if we have the energy and our spirit isn`t knocked out of us, we may see fit to campaign for the future, so that others will not have to be satisfied with second best.

Please Micky, don`t challenge TP re being banned. No-one wants to ban. Join us, become a contributor to TP. As you appear to have learnt, so we can learn.

Good Afternoon Grannie.

I am also a Grandad to 16; bit tough at christmas and birthdays..:)

I replied earlier; but being new here I seem to have lost my post.:)

I can see that most of you have been as angry as I; but today Rita shone with happiness; and she had a very good day; so my savage breast rests for a while..:)

I feel that she doesn't deserve what she has got; but I do, if I could give her my brain, I would.

All my life I have been lucky; I just wish I could give that luck to everyone.

Love to you; Granny......Micky.


Margarita said:
Yes please stay , as I can feel as much anger as you in how the system works , but do not have so much testosterones as a man :) so I can control my anger not let my ego get in the way, but ha its good to sound out how you feel about medication for your wife and how the government are holding it back . Lots of good advice in this thread in how to balance it all out, all those emotions as long as you don’t hit the bottle to surprises that anger .

All I could think of this morning about your posting is that they don’t do that to people on chemo, imagine if government took that away from them.

They found the funding for chemo , so find the funding for Medication for AZ

Hi Margarita.

I always stay; till I get booted out...:) :)

I agree with the chemo; and heart-attacks; maybe its because they get those; an d don't think they will ever get dementia; or it might be a different story.

By the time this is all over; I at least will know the whole truth.

I know now; we are all not alone in our troubles.

Love to you Margarita.......Micky.


BeckyJan said:
Hi Micky - please don't get banned - we all need each other for the different opinions that come through. I really think you have to read and absorb Nell's post - it was brilliant.

I feel angry about the lack of medication in early stages - a lot of campaigning has been done on that (other threads on this forum will prove this to you). Please keep on even keel with your medics (gp, consultant, cpns etc.). You will need them in the future and on the whole most of them will help as much as they can. There is constant research and new medication may be available - hopefully in time to help your wife. (I think no-one should see your wife as beyond help - its just that the thinking at present is that 'Aricept' (the most common drug) is now only available at the middle stage of Alzheimers. I just keep hoping something even better will be available before long.

Enjoy the fun you can have with your wife - she sounds lovely - you can still have a wonderful time together. Try to join your local Alzheimers Society - there is tremendous friendship to be found in some of their groups.

Take care Best Wishes Beckyjan

Hi Becky.

I try not to get banned; but it’s an occupational hazard with communication on the internet…

And I will begin to play the system the best way I can; today I feel even more that the pen is mightier than the sword.

Thinking about things; and reactions; its better to make them feel guilty; than angry; that way they have to live with their consciences.

We will see what happens over the coming months; to date; Rita has received no medication or help in anyway.

I had a man from Westminster Council; phoned me yesterday from some council service he said he was from; and he told me I could get help with this and that; fine I told him; but how come when I do ask for help; you all say its procedure, etc, and you have to do this and that; and prove what you say is true; before we can help you.

Well he said he would make an appointment to see me in two weeks; I replied isn’t that rushing things a little; would it not be good procedure to see me in two years; then you will have more proof that Rita has dementia; which I have been telling you for the last year. I guess I was a bit hard on him; as he is just an employee and not the chief of staff.

But with them or without them; Rita and I will go on together; and do our best; but if I have no faith in them; I do have faith in us.

Love to you; Becky…..Micky.


BeckyJan said:
Hi Micky - please don't get banned - we all need each other for the different opinions that come through. I really think you have to read and absorb Nell's post - it was brilliant.

I feel angry about the lack of medication in early stages - a lot of campaigning has been done on that (other threads on this forum will prove this to you). Please keep on even keel with your medics (gp, consultant, cpns etc.). You will need them in the future and on the whole most of them will help as much as they can. There is constant research and new medication may be available - hopefully in time to help your wife. (I think no-one should see your wife as beyond help - its just that the thinking at present is that 'Aricept' (the most common drug) is now only available at the middle stage of Alzheimers. I just keep hoping something even better will be available before long.

Enjoy the fun you can have with your wife - she sounds lovely - you can still have a wonderful time together. Try to join your local Alzheimers Society - there is tremendous friendship to be found in some of their groups.

Take care Best Wishes Beckyjan

Hi Becky.

I try not to get banned; but it’s an occupational hazard with communication on the internet…:) :)

And I will begin to play the system the best way I can; today I feel even more that the pen is mightier than the sword.

Thinking about things; and reactions; its better to make them feel guilty; than angry; that way they have to live with their consciences.

We will see what happens over the coming months; to date; Rita has received no medication or help in anyway.

I had a man from Westminster Council; phoned me yesterday from some council service he said he was from; and he told me I could get help with this and that; fine I told him; but how come when I do ask for help; you all say its procedure, etc, and you have to do this and that; and prove what you say is true; before we can help you.

Well he said he would make an appointment to see me in two weeks; I replied isn’t that rushing things a little; would it not be good procedure to see me in two years; then you will have more proof that Rita has dementia; which I have been telling you for the last year. I guess I was a bit hard on him; as he is just an employee and not the chief of staff.

But with them or without them; Rita and I will go on together; and do our best; but if I have no faith in them; I do have faith in us.

Love to you; Becky…..Micky.


Skye said:

Congratulations and thank you. You could have reacted in so many ways to our posts. We're all feeling a bit vulnerable at present, having been at the receiving end of anger from other sources, and I know I for one was hesitant about how to reply to you. But you are a perfact gentleman, and your wife Rita sounds a lovely lady.

Please work with us. We need each other so much, for advice, support, and particularly for friendship. It's a lonely business, caring for a spouse.

Please don't get banned, we want you among us.

Best wishes,

Hi Skye.

You should not be thanking me; I should be thanking all of you.

I am not a gentleman Skye; just an ordinary man; but I treat a lady the way all ladies should be treated; with respect; that was my fathers way; and I follow his guidence in my own life.

I cannot give guidence to anyone; because I am blind to the truth of dementia; but my eyes are opening; and I will see.

As to friendship; that I know a lot about; and you are a friend......Micky.


Margarita said:

If you don't mind me asking how old is your wife ?

Not old enough; Margarita...:) :)

And I would never tell a ladies age; but she is 16 years old to me... Micky


noelphobic said:
Hi Micky

I have no wish to 'deactivate you' - apart from anything else it sounds painful! :eek: I only mentioned banning in the first place because you did, if you see what I mean!

Thank you so much for this post. I can see that we would all be the poorer if you went away again, so soon after finding us. I hope you will also feel that you will be glad that you found TP and want to stay with us. As I am sure you will have seen from the replies that you have received, our members are wonderful! :D

Take care and keep in touch

Thank you; Noel.

I know you meant nothing by your reply; I just give you full licence to do just that; without any hard feelings, if I go over the top; I understand your position: Fully.

I have said; sometimes I write what is often called offensive; it depends on what you read; and the way you read it: for myself, I just write what is in my heart and mind; at the time; and rearly think; is it the right thing to say.

Knowing myself better than anyone else does; I know I am often wrong; but its the way I am; and the only way I can write.

It was not that long ago that; I could not even spell...:) :)

Take care Noel; and thank you........Micky.


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
Hi Mickyinlondon.

Just picked up on your posts and am so glad that you have expressed all the thoughts that you have expressed.

I totally understand the anger and frustration that you are feeling as my wife also has the disease at the age of 60 and has had it for the last 5 years.

I have learned a lot through this site just by communicating with the other members, keeping in touch with them and ,yes, using them to vent my own anger, frustration and depression.

Yes, it is a terrible disease and no, there is no cure for it and yes, I want to go out, get stinking drunk and fight because it is so unfair but, because I promised to love and honour in sickness and in health, I can't give up now a big hurdle has been put in my path.

You are among friends here and I welcome you.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2007
Hi Micky

Firstly, I just want to say that you sound like a wonderful man, who loves his wife and family very much.

It does help if you have emotional, physical, medical and financial support. With all of these in place, it helps.

Being the loving, funny and capable husband that you are, is enough for your Rita.

Stay with us, it does help to talk.

All the best
Janetruth x


Grommit said:
Hi Mickyinlondon.

Just picked up on your posts and am so glad that you have expressed all the thoughts that you have expressed.

I totally understand the anger and frustration that you are feeling as my wife also has the disease at the age of 60 and has had it for the last 5 years.

I have learned a lot through this site just by communicating with the other members, keeping in touch with them and ,yes, using them to vent my own anger, frustration and depression.

Yes, it is a terrible disease and no, there is no cure for it and yes, I want to go out, get stinking drunk and fight because it is so unfair but, because I promised to love and honour in sickness and in health, I can't give up now a big hurdle has been put in my path.

You are among friends here and I welcome you.

Hi Grommit.

I have read Lonestray in a PM; and replied.

In hindsite; my anger is not wisdom; just a blindness that needs seeing to; and I will.

I too; must put my wife first; there will be time later for revenge; if that is the right word; but my revenge will be aimed at those that deserve it.

I do not blame anyone for my wife's dementia; that is life for some of us; other illness's are the same; it's the way the cookie crumbles.

But I do blame those in Power that decide life or death; be it actual death; or just a living death; and who should be treated; and who should be denied treatment.

If they can buy weapons of war with our money; they can buy weapons of life; and medication; is in my mind; a weapon of life.

I will over the coming years; drive home to anyone I can, just what I know to be true.

They say a trip of a thousand miles; begins with a single step; I have taken my first step.

Like Lonestray; my wife stays with me; and nothing will change that.......Micky.
Last edited by a moderator:


janetruth said:
Hi Micky

Firstly, I just want to say that you sound like a wonderful man, who loves his wife and family very much.

It does help if you have emotional, physical, medical and financial support. With all of these in place, it helps.

Being the loving, funny and capable husband that you are, is enough for your Rita.

Stay with us, it does help to talk.

All the best
Janetruth x

Hi Jane.

You flatter me; I am just an ordinary man like most others; my love is no greater than any man that loves his woman; or come to that; any woman that loves her man.

If I am funny; its just because I am a Londoner; and we are always cheeky; even a scouser has more humour than us..:) :) in fact; even my cheek gets me into trouble; but who cares; we are what we are; and laughter lifts us all; if we are honest.

Meeting you all; has been very good for me; I know fear even less; and I am ready to take on anything that comes my way.

Love to you Jane.......Micky.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2006
mickyinlondon said:

If I am funny; its just because I am a Londoner; and we are always cheeky; even a scouser has more humour than us..:) :)

Not sure if you were trying to say 'even a scouser DOESN'T have more humour than us' perhaps?

Be careful how you answer this, if you know where I am literally coming from lol! :D :eek:

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