Washing hair and bathing


New member
Dec 10, 2023
Washing my Mum's hair seems to make her panic. We put the shower on a low setting so there isn't too much water on her but when it goes on her head to wash the shampoo and conditioner out, she really panics. Does anyone have any advice on what to do to make her more comfortable?

Showering is generally ok but the water has to be at exactly the right temperature. She seems very sensitive to temperature - hot or cold. Does anyone else find this ? Any solutions?

Thank you.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2016
Hi my Mum is the same she gets panics when I shower her. I've found chatting to her about bath night when she was a child getting her to talk whilst showering seems to take her mind off what's happening. Washing her hair is difficult so I take her to the hairdressers for a wash and blow wave weekly and she prefers that. Patience is the key and if she won't let you wash her hair rub in talc and brush it out or use dry shampoo.
I hope this helps


New member
Dec 10, 2023
Hi my Mum is the same she gets panics when I shower her. I've found chatting to her about bath night when she was a child getting her to talk whilst showering seems to take her mind off what's happening. Washing her hair is difficult so I take her to the hairdressers for a wash and blow wave weekly and she prefers that. Patience is the key and if she won't let you wash her hair rub in talc and brush it out or use dry shampoo.
I hope this helps
Thanks for this. I never thought of dry shampoo.

Washing her hair yesterday was a bit better. I wet her hair with my hands.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Washing my Mum's hair seems to make her panic. We put the shower on a low setting so there isn't too much water on her but when it goes on her head to wash the shampoo and conditioner out, she really panics. Does anyone have any advice on what to do to make her more comfortable?

Showering is generally ok but the water has to be at exactly the right temperature. She seems very sensitive to temperature - hot or cold. Does anyone else find this ? Any solutions?

Thank you.
I have fitted a hand held shower head with an on/button to the hose and let her use it on herself and she quite literally holds it against her skull and so wets her hair but not under a spray. She also uses it it on her body in the same way. To help I bought a ‘stick on’ shower head holder so I can reach it without getting too wet when intervening.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
I found shampoo caps useful.
You can clean the hair while they sit in a chair . No rinse, no stress.


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Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
I've used shampoo caps too. Had to do a little dance about it - look, a new thing - can I try?

Ma flatly refuses to washes her hair or get in the shower.
I managed to talk her into going to the hair-dresser and get her hair done before going to see her friend.
The first lady was so rough (even tho I pre-warned her) so Ma wouldn't go back.
The second lady was great - so gentle and just chatted away. I can manage to get her to go maybe once a month.

The shower cap maybe every other month.

Gandalf's Helper

Registered User
Dec 2, 2023
My wifes personal hygiene has really gone downhill and trying to get her to wash or shower is sometimes nigh on jmpossible. I have invested in patient wipes and when I get an opportunity I will give her a quick wipe down. Yesterday she was doubly incontinent and I had 5 minutes of strongarming her, removing her soiled clothes and getting her in the shower, she resisted quite aggresively but we managed, 10 minutes after the shower we were back to our normal self. I absolutely hate doing this strongarm tactic but sometimes needs must.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2023
My PWD doesn't bath or shower at home at all, she says she showers after swimming and I have no reason not to blieve her. She has cateract surgery this afternoon and can't swim for at least 4 weeks. I'll be interested to see want she does during this time.

Happy Thursday Everyone