Very upset, could do with a friend please.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2007
Hi everyone,
I posted some time ago on here about my dad having Multi-infarc Dementia. Well so much has happened these past months with him and all our family.

Dad has seen a Neurologist who said dad has'nt and never had Dementia way back in November last year. Well to cut a long story short he has had a CT scan some weeks ago and many other tests. Today mum went to their Gp who has the Neurologists report and it says dad has Cerebrovascular Disease, Cognitive Impairment and yes Dementia!!. Another term that was used was Cerebral Ishaemia. Dad has had so many TIA over the past 20 years now its causes alot of damage to the brain.

This is all too much for us all to take in as my dear parents have been to hell and back these past few months with all this worry. It was also stated that some of dads meds he has been on (by his Gp for years) may have made the condition worse. We always knew there was something else going on but this is such a shock as it also said in the report that dad would have had a much better quality of life if this was detected earlier. We have fought and fought with his Gp for years with this.

Any advice most appreciated as it all a mess to me right now.

On top of all that my F-I-L is seriously ill with C-Diff and also cancer and i have Fibromyalgia/ME as well and it send me into an awful flare.

Sorry but just needed to talk with someone.
Thanks for reading.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2003
Birmingham Hades
Hallo Juliejo
welcome to Talking point.
I am unable to answer your questions,but am sure some one will be along soon to answer them.
Post whenever you feel the need,there are friends here for you.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Dear Julie,

I am so sorry to read what is happening in your life.

Being disabled and caring for my husband who had Alzheimer's was so hard but we did have support from good Doctors and Consultants.

As for prescribing medication over a lenght of time and making the person worse, I have the T shirt for that.

Do you have a local Alzheimer's Branch near you? They will give you advice and support.

Have you any help and support at all?

More poeple will come on line but there is always someone here 24/7. So don't feel you are alone and as for friends you have come to the right place.

Best wishes


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hello Julie

You are amongst friends here:) I am afraid I don't have any words of wisdom or advice but I can offer an ear on Talking Point and a virtual hug ((((HUG)))).


Amber 5

Registered User
Jan 20, 2009
Hi Julie,
I'm sorry to hear about what you've already been through. Having just heard my own mum's diagnosis last Friday, I know how it hits you, even if you already kind of knew in your heart what was going on. It is also strangely a relief to hear that you weren't imagining all this strange and worrying behaviour.

I would be feeling pretty angry with the GP right now, but at the end of the day, it's what happens from now on that is important. There will be enough things to worry about and the family will need supporting by good quality advice and staff.

I don't know what the GP has said to your mum about what is to happen next or at what stage your Dad is. Are they being supported by a Memory Clinic at all? As someone said, the local Alzheimers Society groups are very welcoming and helpful (I've only just got in touch with mine and wish I had done it a while ago). Has his medication been changed since this diagnosis then?

You will also find out a lot my using this TP and everyone is so supportive. I hope you find it beneficial. However, you need to take care and look after yourself too.
Very best wishes,
Gill x


Registered User
Jun 10, 2004
South East Wales, UK.
Hi Julie, im so sorry to hear about your Dad, it must be devastating for you& your family. My mam had been ill for years before actually being diagnosed with AD & as a family we feel if the GP had been better able to diagnose the illness earlier maybe my mam could have started some medication the illness maybe would not have taken hold so quickly, its things like this that will always go through your mind .My brother has ME/Fibromialga & i think over the years, its been 10 years now since mam was diagnosed, his health has been affected dramatically. I feel for you & your family & im sure you will find support & answers from someone who can help you. Take care & look after yourselves , its a long hard journey. Luv & hugs Rosie xxxo


Registered User
Mar 24, 2009
Hi there,

I've not been on in a while but just decided to and blimey, reading your message it seems so much like whats going on with us right now. My mum has Alzheimers and it took them years to decided what was worng with her including mis diagnosing her for 15 years plus adn giveing her meds which may have made this waorse.

I am trying to assist in her caring and I also have ME which I'm finding is getting worse with all this plus my fil was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with bowel cancer.

Just wanted to send you support and say theres others who know how you feel and are happy to chat xxx


Registered User
Jun 10, 2004
South East Wales, UK.
Hi there,
Thank you for your message, it's always good to know there are others to talk to & can relate to what is happening in your life. My mam is going through rough patch again, the staff on the ward not sure if it's chest infection so have started antibiotics & is giving regular paracetamol to keep her temperature down, went up to 39.9 at one stage, my mam is at the end of this awful illness & I'm not sure how much more her frail body can take. I'm a nurse myself working on a Womens Health Unit & I was nights last week & was waiting for a phone call from the Hospital where my mam is to say that she had given up the fight, but no, still she continues to struggle on. I'm not sure where she is finding the strength from, she is like a little doll now, lost so much weight , I just find it so heartbreaking that this disease still continues to toture her right up to the very end. It is so very cruel....

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Julie so sorry you are having such a distressing time, it must be awful for all your family keep posting ,somehow it helps to share, hope the doctors can sort your dads medication, it seems such a mess at moment, lets hope new tablets bring an improvment
best wishes to all your family Pam

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