Vascular dementia


New member
Feb 22, 2024
Hello. My name is Paul. I have recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia and am frankly terrified.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum Paul (@luapyelrom). You've come tot he right place for advice and support, though I hope you have some real life support too. I don't know if this factsheet will help you as you come to terms with the diagnosis.
If you haven't already it would be a good idea to sort out Lasting Power of Attorney.
Is there anything you are particularly concerned about? The great thing about this form is that there are always people around to listen.


Registered User
Hello Paul,
Just read your message, and wanted to say my mum had vascular dementia and lived with it really well for many many years.
Keep on living your life, doing the things you enjoy, and find out more about it as already mentioned above (so that you can plan for the future for peace of mind).
Hope this helps,


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
my husband has vascular dementia diagnosed almost 4 years ago. he still goes out to men shed on his own, has made lots of wooden toys, tanker, chinook, fruit bowl. he can manage most personal care, dress, cook to a degree. he has some problems but he manages day to day and involved with our family. take it a day at a time and live life to the full.