Vascular dementia next steps


Registered User
May 31, 2014
Hi my mum is currently in hospital and they have recently been told that she has vascular dementia.

She struggles with her mobility due to a previous stroke? but she is due to come home soon.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Hello , Welcome TP.
Sorry to hear about your Mum.
I can only guess how worried you must be , esp about them discharging Mum soon.

Their are regs about hospital discharge , sadly some hospitals do not automatically follow them.
and only do the routine discharge procedure that a normally well person needs, ie would you like to go home,
Paperwork done,
Meds dispensed and home you go.

For others such as your Mum, they NEED to do proper assessments.
Their are various names for the team that does this, it depends on the area you're in
Basically it's a multi disciplinary team, that often involves the hospital social worker, occupational therapist, Doctor etc
It may or may not include a visit home to see how Mum copes and equipment she may need.
Back in a mo with a link to our factsheet on hospital discharge .
It is a but of I read. You do need to know what they should be doing . They have a duty of care to ensure people are discharged safely, be that back home, with carers coming in an the right equipment or to a residential home..

They may assume that family are willing and able to do the caring that Mum will need, this for a variety of reasons may not be possible
hear is the link.

Please feel free to ask questions, we have some really knowledgeable people here, who have been/are at the coalface.
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