Urgent advice needed for care homes and aggressive behaviour


New member
Jan 10, 2024
My grandfather has recently gone into a Carehome only they are struggling to manage his aggressive behaviour. He suffers from sun downing and gets very agitated. He has only been in the home 1 week, previously hospital for 2 weeks. He has had 3 falls in 1 week and is now back in hospital. We are not happy with the care provided in the home and don’t think he’ll be able to return. Has anyone any experience of what the next steps will be. Finding a home that will take him? What kind of home should I be looking for? It was hard enough finding this one. (Currently EMI Carehome)
Thank you


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Daniyell08 and welcome, but sorry to hear of the problems with finding your grandfather a suitable care home, although I would have thought that an EMI home should be able to deal with challenging behaviour. If he continues to be very agitated and aggressive in the hospital then they will hopefully get the mental health team involved in reviewing his medication to see if that would help to reduce the agitation/aggression. Is your grandfather able to pay for his care home fees himself or are the local authority involved with funding? It's probably a good idea to speak to the hospital social work team to explain the situation as even if your grandfather is self-funding they will hopefully be able to provide you with details of homes that might be able to take him when he is deemed fit for discharge. My mum was in hospital recently and we had to find a new care home for her and it wasn't easy to find somewhere suitable, it involved lots of phone calls and then visits to places that had vacancies, so I appreciate that it's a really stressful situation to be in. The link below is a useful resource in identifying care homes in a specific area, although bear in mind you may also have to consider homes that are further afield. When you look at the particulars of homes some mention whether they accept people with challenging behaviour but it's a case of ringing them up and being honest about your grandfather's behaviour to see if they will accommodate him. I hope that you are able to find somewhere suitable, and this is a friendly and supportive place so hopefully others will be along with more suggestions.