update of dave april 2013


Registered User
Its been along time since i posted about dave, its very difficult but i feel the need to share with you how things are at the moment as i no you are all in the same situation. since my last post dave has detereated at a very fast rate, he is mostly kept in bed now as he is so rigid he can no longer straighten his legs,he can no longer move on his own, apart from his left hand . we can still hold hands:) he is fed all meals and drinks and has lost alot of weight, i think its all his muscles theyve just gone his legs are so thin. recently dave went to see his neorologist who gave him a good assessment and said he has parkinsons but was sure he has cortical basal degeneration. dave is on baclofen and has had a trial of leva dopa but dr said it wouldnt work if dave has CBD well it hasnt worked and there is nothing else that will help. dave can barley comunicate now even with a thumbs up or down he just looks like hes stoped fighting this disease. we are not sure how much he knows anymore. dave seems quite peaceful and is on painkillers to ease the muscle spasms, we hope his suffering dosnt carry on too much longer i think hes had enough. love lyn xx


Volunteer Host

Thanks for the update, that must have been hard to put into words, sometimes when it is in print in front of us it packs a bigger punch.

Sending you TP vibes and (((hugs))) to keep you strong.

Helen x


Volunteer Moderator
Thanking for telling us about Dave Lyn. It can't be easy for you. Thinking of you both. xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Hello Lyn

It`s good to see you posting an update although sad it`s such bad news. Poor Dave. It must be very upsetting for you to see him like that. xx


Registered User
Oh Lyn

What a sad post.I'm glad that Dave seems to be peaceful-apart from that I can't think of anything else to say.Sending you hugs and love.

Lyn T


Registered User
Lyn, hi
How wonderful that you and Dave can still hold hands in a meaningful way, hold on to that!

I totally understand that he's getting to the point where he's had enough, it's a long journey with many turns, it does sound as if he is being well cared for and everything possible is being tried. I hope his pain can be managed and you can keep holding his hand.

Take good care of yourself, with understanding and hugs from Jo


Registered User
Dear Lyn,

How nice to see your name appear on screen and thank you so much for your update about Dave. I do think of you and wonder how you are both doing.

It is sad that the illness has progressed to this stage where Dave is now unable to do any of the things he was able to do when you first joined TP. I was pleased to read though that Dave is quite peaceful and is kept pain free.

It has been a long and ever changing journey for you Lyn and I send to you love and prayer for your continued strength as you travel this next part of your journey.



Registered User
thankyou for your kind posts rushing off to work now so will come back tonight, helen i think of you too god bless you xx