Unwanted sexual behaviour


New member
Dec 22, 2023
My first post - my mother has been in a care home for 3 months after a hospital stay, with dementia getting worse. She is now going walkabout at night and displaying unwanted sexual behaviour to another resident and staff. The home says that it might get around a point when she can’t stay at the home - we have asked where would she o instead and he unhelpful answer ts our choice - but what choices are there? We will get in touch with social services. Any guidance would be appreciated.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Riva.

This must be very distressing for you. I’ve no personal experience of this to help but I know other members will be along to share their thoughts

It might also helpful to talk to someone on the Support Line. They’re closed today but open tomorrow and Sunday on their usual hours -



Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Riva and welcome, but sorry to hear about your situation. You don't mention the type of home that your mum is in at the moment but it seems that a lot of residential homes, although stating that they take those with dementia, don't take residents who are displaying difficult or challenging behaviour. My mum's previous home was a nursing home which also had a floor for those displaying challenging behaviour, including unwanted sexual behaviour. The staff were trained in dealing with this and would use various techniques to manage the situation. Hopefully social services will be able to point you in the direct of suitable homes in your mum's area, but you could maybe also try contacting nursing homes to ask if they deal with challenging behaviour. Hopefully you will find somewhere that meets your mum's needs, and as already mentioned others here with personal experience will hopefully be able to provide suggestions too.