TV remote control for Netflix


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Hi my mum watches only Netfilx and the same film all the time but is struggling to use the TV remote control. Part of the problem is she has arthritis so struggles with the small buttons but the other problem is she gets impatient and starts pressing different buttons & then gets agitated and cross. We have tried writing simple instructions but this doesn't work. This week she has phoned my sister daily as can't get the film on. The film calms her and she gets upset if she can't work the TV. Does anyone know of a simple remote control that can be used for Netflix? I've ordered a big button one on Amazon but don't know if that will work. Grateful for any suggestions. Thanks


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
I have similar with Pauline as she is hooked on Highway to Heaven and Little house on the prairie both favourites from younger years but on Amazon Prime. I too have tried the ‘reminder finder’ approach via laminated sheets and stick-its but she struggles and can’t even differentiate the ‘OK’ button with the letters printed on it. hope you find a solution as it may help me also.


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Thanks for the replies. We tried the remote this weekend and it didn't work with Netflix. So think we're going to try a dvd.