

Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @Skylark/2
Well done for undertaking, and going through with the trip to Paris! What a change of scenery!
Your great fortitude shines through!


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Thank you for your kind remarks Chizz.
Maybe I deceive myself ( my husband certainly does ) that he is not as ‘ bad, wrong description I know‘ as he is until he is away from his usual routine and familiarity. I then have my eyes opened.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Glad to hear you made it home OK. What a kind man at CdeG!
I so agree with you. Scousers have a reputation but the whole football dads couldn’t have been kinder, making my husband laugh with their banter and good humour and taking away his anxiety.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
I bet you are glad to be home. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy further short breaks in this country - I find the Warners hotels are good as they have nice grounds and places to sit and watch the world go by with entertainment day and evening if weather bad.

We are off to Italy in June - probably our last venture abroad - was dreading it last week but was a bit down generally - feeling more optimistic this week so hope it lasts.

Hopefully after a rest you will feel your holiday was worthwhile and will remember the good bits and if not at least it makes you appreciate your own home. Hoping for you that your OH will be more settled now he is safe at home.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Well done for trying @Skylark/2 . Our later holidays were in this country only, places I could drive to. We had several breaks each year sometimes in hotels, visiting relatives and sometimes self catering. This worked very well but by 2020, after lockdowns, he didn’t want to go away.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
Pleased to learn that you got back OK. Just 10 days to go before OH and I venture off to Crete again. Some days I am looking forward to going and other days I am dreading it. At least we are staying in the same apartment, OH is familiar with the local area and we have friends there so our stay (3 weeks) should not be too much of a struggle ( I hope!).


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Thank you everyone for your kind remarks, sympathy, advice……everything!
Our next break is a cottage in Derbyshire in September, an area we know very well.
My thoughts and best wishes to all of you who have holidays coming up this year. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and happy memories.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
If you can and get the chance do as much as you can whilst you can.

My thoughts and best wishes to all of you, who like me, have no holidays coming up in the foreseeable future. Fingers crossed for retaining sanity!


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon!
Sunday we arrived back from Paris ( see previous posts ) Monday was an o.k day . I am talking about my husband and his anxiety, concern , re his constipation and taking Laxido. Tuesday, and Tuesday night we were up on and off as he said his constipation was giving him problems again, took 4 sachets at 4 a.m and then 4 more at about 8 a.m! Wednesday he was o.k, said he thought he was on the mend. Today, just now he thinks his constipation is returning. He says he has a blockage and has faecal inpaction.I have told him and showed him the colonoscopy report ( done in Oct 2022 ) that he had a large prolapsing haemorrhoid . I have bought Anusol suppositories and increased his fibre diet. I am at my wits end, trying to persuade him that he doesn’t need to take so many laxatives .
I think the only thing I can do is go and see the g.p and ask if the haemorrhoid can be removed!
To much information I know but I’m worn to a frazzle!


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon!
Sunday we arrived back from Paris ( see previous posts ) Monday was an o.k day . I am talking about my husband and his anxiety, concern , re his constipation and taking Laxido. Tuesday, and Tuesday night we were up on and off as he said his constipation was giving him problems again, took 4 sachets at 4 a.m and then 4 more at about 8 a.m! Wednesday he was o.k, said he thought he was on the mend. Today, just now he thinks his constipation is returning. He says he has a blockage and has faecal inpaction.I have told him and showed him the colonoscopy report ( done in Oct 2022 ) that he had a large prolapsing haemorrhoid . I have bought Anusol suppositories and increased his fibre diet. I am at my wits end, trying to persuade him that he doesn’t need to take so many laxatives .
I think the only thing I can do is go and see the g.p and ask if the haemorrhoid can be removed!
Too much information I know but I’m worn to a frazzle!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon!
Sunday we arrived back from Paris ( see previous posts ) Monday was an o.k day . I am talking about my husband and his anxiety, concern , re his constipation and taking Laxido. Tuesday, and Tuesday night we were up on and off as he said his constipation was giving him problems again, took 4 sachets at 4 a.m and then 4 more at about 8 a.m! Wednesday he was o.k, said he thought he was on the mend. Today, just now he thinks his constipation is returning. He says he has a blockage and has faecal inpaction.I have told him and showed him the colonoscopy report ( done in Oct 2022 ) that he had a large prolapsing haemorrhoid . I have bought Anusol suppositories and increased his fibre diet. I am at my wits end, trying to persuade him that he doesn’t need to take so many laxatives .
I think the only thing I can do is go and see the g.p and ask if the haemorrhoid can be removed!
To much information I know but I’m worn to a frazzle!
could you hide them and just put a couple out. i must admit that he probably feels full with the huge haemorrhoid. maybe the doctor could do something to restrict blood flow and therefore it would die.

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
Does your husband take laxatives daily or only when he feels that he’s getting constipated?

I’m not clear whether he is always constipated or whether this is largely an anxiety thing. Are you able to monitor how often he has a bowel movement?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon!
Sunday we arrived back from Paris ( see previous posts ) Monday was an o.k day . I am talking about my husband and his anxiety, concern , re his constipation and taking Laxido. Tuesday, and Tuesday night we were up on and off as he said his constipation was giving him problems again, took 4 sachets at 4 a.m and then 4 more at about 8 a.m! Wednesday he was o.k, said he thought he was on the mend. Today, just now he thinks his constipation is returning. He says he has a blockage and has faecal inpaction.I have told him and showed him the colonoscopy report ( done in Oct 2022 ) that he had a large prolapsing haemorrhoid . I have bought Anusol suppositories and increased his fibre diet. I am at my wits end, trying to persuade him that he doesn’t need to take so many laxatives .
I think the only thing I can do is go and see the g.p and ask if the haemorrhoid can be removed!
To much information I know but I’m worn to a frazzle!
My wife has diverticular disease - which gives her much dis-ease, Thus, she often feels sick. She won't vomit, but feels like that. Quite often she complains of pain.
The GP didn't like the idea of someone being on laxatives every day. He also didn't like painkillers every day (which can themselves cause constipation). So, after many chats, trying different laxatives, or alternatives to "soften" digested matter (eg lactulose liquid), we have now settled on a regime: with the evening medications (split in half and hidden in cereal ) I put a senna tablet (7.5mg) which is supposed to be slow acting so will work in the morning; and then with the morning meds (again in the cereal) I put a laxido sachet. The senna is to help make a movement, and the laxido to help soften the faecal matter (to make it easier to push out). For pain, my OH has been prescibed "buscopon" (10mg) and give one in evening and one or two in the morning, depending on the complaints. Seems to work for my OH, who now wakes up fewer times during the night.
You've got to work out a scheme that will help your OH, and thereby help you too.
I know it's easier said than done.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
It’s turning into a long night.
We went to bed at 8p.m as he was becoming increasing agitated, thinking that the suppositories were laxatives, wanting to take more laxatives etc., If he managed to sleep things might look better in the morning……….no chance!
Chizz I was interested in what you had to say, my husband also has diverticula disease and I wondered if that was a contributing factor, something to discuss with the g.p in the morning…….providing I am not 38th in the telephone queue trying for an appointment!
thanks for posting everyone.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Does your husband take laxatives daily or only when he feels that he’s getting constipated?

I’m not clear whether he is always constipated or whether this is largely an anxiety thing. Are you able to monitor how often he has a bowel movement?
On the advice of the hospital after he’d had his colonoscopy he was told to take a Laxido sachet daily. He thinks the ‘ fullness’ he feels is his bowel wanting to empty. I think what it is is a prolapsed haemorrhoid which was found during the investigation.
Myhusband is not convinced and why the doctor at the hospital didn’t suggest removing it at the time…..I don’t understand!
Someething else to discuss with the g.p tomorrow.
thanks for posting, much appreciated.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
The feeling of "fullness" is the diverticular illness - weak intestine muscle walls, that become "pockets" where digested matter gets stuck, rather than passing through. Your OH may describe it as fullness, whereas my OH describes it as feeling sick. The large intestine comes up from the small intestine and passes just under the diaphragm which in turn pushes up to the stomach, and hence sickness feeling. You might also want to look at dietary changes that may help.
(Great conversation just before going to prepare lunch!)


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
they said that about me when i had the camera up. i have IBS which is made worse by certain things in my diet. fruit, veg, fibre, brown anything, nuts and seeds and metformin which i was on for type 2 diabetes. ive cut all of that out of my diet and better able to control so dont have accidents. metformin is well known to cause stomach problems. im now on insulin so dont get the same affect. a member here recommended a supplement probiotic which has helped as well. i take mebeverine twice a day to stop the cramps. i assume that is what you mean by pain. its like spasms and your bowel being wrung out. im sometimes sick with it as well.

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