Travel abroad... is this a bad idea?


Registered User
May 10, 2023
Hi all
Looking for advice on whether in the moderate stages travelling abroad might be too confusing/unsettling?

I am getting married abroad next year and am just not sure its fair to put my gran through an 8 hour flight (accompanied by family) and then in a foreign country where people may be distracted by parties so less able to keep a close eye on her. Plus foreign language/lots of new people/noisy/time zone change as will be 5 hours ahead.
I feel awful considering not taking her but recently I tried a weekend away with her to a different city to test the waters and it was a real struggle as it upset her mood and sleep a lot and she constantly wanted to go home and wanted her night carer back.
My gran managed a short trip abroad with family 9 months ago but this was a very relaxed visit and she has deteriorated a lot since then and now requires day and night care at home due to wandering risk and agitation. Physically she is still very agile, the issue is she is very easily confused which makes her angry. When she went abroad earlier in the year her flight had to be brought forward as she was becoming unsettled after a few days. When she came back she was definitely more confused for about a month following it.
We are also planning a celebration with her too locally so she can enjoy and be part of it.
If I ask her she will say she wants to go but we are also at the stage where she does not remember what she has said most of the time and does not remember when she has seen us or spoken to us. So I am feeling like she will not remember or enjoy the trip and I would be dragging her along for my own sentimental reasons rather than for her. I am just not sure.

Just looking for others experiences to see if I am being over cautious or if it is perhaps not sensible to put her through this.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @L&N First of all I hope that you have a wonderful wedding next year.
From your description of how your gran was during relatively short holidays I really think that it would be best if you did not include her in the wedding trip, especially as you have indicated that a previous trip had to be curtailed because of her condition. i think that it would be so much better for you and your gran to have the separate local celebration, she would probably enjoy that much more.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2019
Hi @L&N I completely agree with @SeaSwallow. There are so many ways you can celebrate the wedding with your gran. I think it will be far too stressful for her (and you).

Sending you hugs for an amazing wedding! Congratulations x