Toileting everywhere!


New member
May 8, 2023
My family and I care for our mother who has had Alzheimer's for several years.
A recent development is that she urinates everywhere ! She does have bladder control - which is even more concerning! Its as if she's doing it deliberately. Which I know she isn't, its part of the disease. But I cannot understand why she does it.
We have clearly marked the location of the bathroom. It's not as if its a big house and she can get lost!

We've tried to discuss it with her, but, of course she denies she does it and then becomes "moody" .

I noticed she does it more often during her "sun-downing" period. Her anxiety increases, she paces around the place. Next minute, when our backs our turned, there's a puddle on the floor.

dghent SOS

New member
Nov 28, 2023
My family and I care for our mother who has had Alzheimer's for several years.
A recent development is that she urinates everywhere ! She does have bladder control - which is even more concerning! Its as if she's doing it deliberately. Which I know she isn't, its part of the disease. But I cannot understand why she does it.
We have clearly marked the location of the bathroom. It's not as if its a big house and she can get lost!

We've tried to discuss it with her, but, of course she denies she does it and then becomes "moody" .

I noticed she does it more often during her "sun-downing" period. Her anxiety increases, she paces around the place. Next minute, when our backs our turned, there's a puddle on the floor.
We are working through the same questions and concerns. We are at a loss. It's only my mom home with my dad, and sometimes he has accidents in his bed. She's unable to lift him on her own. It's not every day, and some days he does better in the bathroom than other days. The frustration is the inconsistence. We're always on the edge of "is this the way it's gonna be? Is he faking? Does he want attention? Is it time for a home?" All of which make you feel guilty.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @MONeil and @dghent SOS
Inappropriate urination happens when they get to the stage when they know that they need to urinate and can remember enough not to wet themselves, but are confused about what they should be doing and cant remember where to go, so they just go where they are.

Try taking them to the toilet every 2 hours, or watch out for signs that they need to go (its like watching a young child who suddenly starts fidgeting!) and then take them - they may need guiding through the procedure.

It is actually lots of people "line in the sand" and prompts admission to care homes

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Does she use incontinence products? If not ask for a referral to the incontinence team.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
my mum came to live with us when she had alzheimers...and after being with us for over a year, she would get up through the night...go to the toilet, but just pee on the floor, that was usually what woke was as if she knew to go to the toilet, but didn't know what to do when she got there,,,


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Keep a carpet cleaner on stand-by, along with puppy odour spray(to neutralizer the smell)
