Those who hate whining look away now...


Registered User
Never give up, dealing with A.D. we seem to cope with everything.

Dear Kate,
You have always given so much help , love and support on T.P. To read your message about not being able to have any more children. My heart goes out to you. Helen my eldest daughter lost a baby and was told she probably would never be a Mother. We were devestated as you can imagine. 14 years ago, Lauren was born. Then when Helen had given up hope of ever having another baby, she had Jamie. I like to believe the Lord works in mysteries ways. Certainly has with my grandchildren. One of the younger children asked how did it happen that we were their Grandparents. I answered, God thought who can give them lots of love and be fun, that is why he sent you to us.
On a personal issue, if it was me I would go down the route of adoption. From reading your messages, you can give another child so much love and secriuty.
I wish you all the best. God Bless. Christine

Kate P

Registered User
Once again I sit with tears in my eyes so grateful for the wonderful support and encouragement from my TP friends.

I think it speaks volumes that I look to all of you for my support as from my "real world" family and friends. Thank you all.

Christine, thank you so much for your lovely words.

I keep telling my hubby something similar when he gets upset about our daughters health problems - that God sent her to us because we could do for her what someone else may not have been able to.

Hopefully that will be the same with the adoption - we'll get a child who we can give a good life to, who may not have had that chance otherwise.

Heck it seems to be our path in life - we adopted our dog when he was ten - he's blind, almost deaf and has no teeth but he's still going strong at sixteen from good care and lots of love.

{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}
