Thinking the Unthinkable


Registered User
This is for sure a complex subject. I think we have two issues going here. One euthanasia and the other dying naturally without means being taken to extend life or interupt the process.
How you feel about it is very personal and there are no right or wrong answers.
Quality of life is different for everyone too, that is why it is good to have a living will and express your wishes legally.
Nat, the home your Dad is in sounds archaic, I'm so sorry !
Lila, what is Complan?



Registered User

he makes his presence known every now and again

don’t you think that his presence know every now and agiain is his Sprit ?

I know ever
One belief is different ,but I believe it is.

Is that your dad in the photo above ,look like a good looking man :)


Registered User
Perhaps I shouldn't be advertising in here. It's a food powder given to convalescents and people who are underweight, undernourished etc. You can mix it with milk or other liquid or soft foods such as soup etc. My Grannie hardly had anything else for about 11 years, (which was probably why my mother said she'd rather die than ...).


Lila, what is Complan?



Registered User
People can and do change their minds with changing health problems, and find that after all they can find other things worth living for.

I suppose it was unusual that my mother was used to expressing thoughts of suicide and murder at a time when most people wouldn't have said she was ill.

She was even surprised that we objected to her wanting to "wipe out the whole family", as she obviously regarded our lives as her own property not ours.



Registered User
Rummy Dad's home is archaic, we live in an area where there is no choice.

Margarita, yes I believe that is Dad's spirit when I say he makes his 'presence' (i.e. spirit) felt. I don't feel as if his spirit is dwelling anywhere else but in his body for now.

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