thank you


Registered User
Dec 8, 2018
My lovely dad has finally hung up his boots and passed away. I just wanted to say a really big thank you to everyone on this forum who has been there for the last five heartbreaking years. I’ve returned to this forum time and time again, not posting much, but always learning and always gaining strength, inspiration and support from all you amazing people going through the same horrible experience with this terrible disease. My dad died peacefully with a lot of love around him and his care home staff were wonderful. So I wish you all the best for the rest of your time with your loved one and thank you once again. 🙏 xx


Registered User
Oct 15, 2023
So sorry to hear of your sad news. Hope his end of life was peaceful.
You take care of yourself. Sending love and strength for his funeral. Trusting you will have many fabulous memories to share with family and friends. Xx


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My condolences to you @Jane4567 and to family.
At least dad at rest.
Best wishes for your journey through grief.
Be easy on yourself.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Sincere condolences @Jane4567 It is so good that you can comfort yourself that your dad passed away peacefully and with his loving family around him.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
So sorry for your loss of your Dad @Jane4567, I hope it brings comfort that your Dad was surrounded by love at the end.

Take care x


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Sorry to hear your sad news @Jane4567
Your dad is at peace and now it's time to take care of yourself. Wishing you strength for the days and weeks ahead.
S x


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
My lovely dad has finally hung up his boots and passed away. I just wanted to say a really big thank you to everyone on this forum who has been there for the last five heartbreaking years. I’ve returned to this forum time and time again, not posting much, but always learning and always gaining strength, inspiration and support from all you amazing people going through the same horrible experience with this terrible disease. My dad died peacefully with a lot of love around him and his care home staff were wonderful. So I wish you all the best for the rest of your time with your loved one and thank you once again. 🙏 xx
I echo your thanks - this forum has been a godsend on our journey. It’s a bitter sweet experience to deal with their loss.
Mum passed on the 22nd at 6.20pm. So peacefully, with family present, in a beautiful place cared for by amazing staff.
She was admitted to the hospice 2 weeks ago (due to medical neglect at the ‘nursing home’ and she was so well cared for during those 2 weeks.
Very strangely once admitted her dementia seemed to almost disappear, until her last two days when she slept on & off. She seemed to be almost back to ‘old mum’. I wondered if this was a norm as they approach the end?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Condolences you and family @sue31
Your mum is at peace. You did the best you could. She'll always be with you, and, if it helps, remember that there were many more good times than otherwise.
Best wishes.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
I echo your thanks - this forum has been a godsend on our journey. It’s a bitter sweet experience to deal with their loss.
Mum passed on the 22nd at 6.20pm. So peacefully, with family present, in a beautiful place cared for by amazing staff.
She was admitted to the hospice 2 weeks ago (due to medical neglect at the ‘nursing home’ and she was so well cared for during those 2 weeks.
Very strangely once admitted her dementia seemed to almost disappear, until her last two days when she slept on & off. She seemed to be almost back to ‘old mum’. I wondered if this was a norm as they approach the end?


Registered User
Oct 15, 2023
Im so sorry to hear of your loss Sue31. You will miss your mum dearly. Yes its bitter sweet, but I am so glad you got her a place at the Hospice. And that everyone was with her. They sound wonderful, and it gives me hope that if a Hospice can achieve such high standards of care , that care homes should follow their model. Its clearly achievable. But now its your time to grieve and remember all your good memories. Its one of the hardest times to get through, with funerals, possessions, legal chaos. Make sure you find time for you.
I visited mum a lot before she was buried. Now i plant loads of flowers on her grave. Ive also started planting flowers on my grandparents graves as well. I find peace and time for reflection when I go.
So take time out. Gain comfort from those around you. And use this time to remember all the good times in a way that suits you best.
Ive been going through mum's things very slowly. I make each visit to her home a journey of memories. Time for just myself and mum. A hard job has actually become a lovely step along lifes roads, with mum close by my side.
Thinking of you. Hoping her funeral and next phase of her journey is full of love. Loads of daffodils out at the moment. They bring us hope. Stay kind to yourself. Xxxx


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Im so sorry to hear of your loss Sue31. You will miss your mum dearly. Yes its bitter sweet, but I am so glad you got her a place at the Hospice. And that everyone was with her. They sound wonderful, and it gives me hope that if a Hospice can achieve such high standards of care , that care homes should follow their model. Its clearly achievable. But now its your time to grieve and remember all your good memories. Its one of the hardest times to get through, with funerals, possessions, legal chaos. Make sure you find time for you.
I visited mum a lot before she was buried. Now i plant loads of flowers on her grave. Ive also started planting flowers on my grandparents graves as well. I find peace and time for reflection when I go.
So take time out. Gain comfort from those around you. And use this time to remember all the good times in a way that suits you best.
Ive been going through mum's things very slowly. I make each visit to her home a journey of memories. Time for just myself and mum. A hard job has actually become a lovely step along lifes roads, with mum close by my side.
Thinking of you. Hoping her funeral and next phase of her journey is full of love. Loads of daffodils out at the moment. They bring us hope. Stay kind to yourself. Xxxx
Thank you so much. This group has been an enormous help over the last few months, advice, ears that actually listened to rants and so much support.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2023
We are all here, for rants and kindness. Even when our loved ones die we still access the forum. Share thoughts, help in anyway we can. Gain help ourselves for all sorts.
Do whatever you need to get through this next stage. But always keep time for yourself. Xxx