Thank You All!


Registered User
Jul 12, 2018
West Midlands
Good luck @maryjoan , I hope it all goes well. Am I correct in thinking that he's coming to live in the Midlands, where I live? I'll be sure to take great care when I'm driving along the lanes, in case he's out on his bike!


Registered User
Dec 6, 2016
Porthcawl, South Wales
My best wishes to you. You are to be commended for all your support and efforts. You have given so much of yourself. Life will be different but from what I've learnt you will pull through. Your contributions and insights have been so valuable. A new dawning.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2017
South of the Border
Well, he has gone this morning, in a flurry of all sorts, but he has gone...

No time to feel regret and upset because......

Yesterday, I had a letter from the landlord giving me notice to quit the bungalow.

It's the same old, same old, feeling of worthlessness, when someone you do not know, makes a decision to sell, and knocks your life into yet another challenge.

I am applying for social housing... we will see. and at least with the Covid regs I do have 6 months instead of the normal 2......


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Oh goodness, it never stops @maryjoan

I'm glad that your partner is off to his new home and I hope that he settles. I Wish you both well on that front.

As you say, at least you have a few months to find a new home and I do hope that that goes well for you.

Keep strong and well.:)


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
So glad your ex-partner went off ok, I hope he likes his new place, settles well and you can get to visit sometime.
Total pain about your landlord wanting to sell up, but maybe good to start your new life somewhere new. A fresh start and all that.
Stay strong and I hope you have some real life people you can chat to.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Well, he has gone this morning, in a flurry of all sorts, but he has gone...

No time to feel regret and upset because......

Yesterday, I had a letter from the landlord giving me notice to quit the bungalow.

It's the same old, same old, feeling of worthlessness, when someone you do not know, makes a decision to sell, and knocks your life into yet another challenge.

I am applying for social housing... we will see. and at least with the Covid regs I do have 6 months instead of the normal 2......
So unfair. The rental market in this country needs a serious overhaul

Melles Belles

Registered User
Jul 4, 2017
South east
I hope your ex settles in his new home and that you find somewhere suitable to rent quickly. Definitely try for social housing. Maybe time to consider somewhere with better public transport and access to services. Let us know how you get on.
I hope you can get back to running your business again. Keep in touch.


Registered User
Sep 10, 2013
Lytham St Annes
I’m happy for you all that he got off today ok, what a nuisance though that the landlord is selling.......

Hopefully applying for social housing will turn up something nice for you, I know a lot of areas have been building lots of over 55 accommodation I work in social housing and they are so beautiful and spacious the ones that we built.

Also being given notice by landlord will give you some higher priority too, so I think you will get something you like, and can settle in, that will be yours until you decide otherwise.

In the meantime take it easy and relax a little.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Well, he obviously didn’t go on his bike, did his family come and get him?

If you cannot find somewhere to rent yourself, hopefully you will be offered a convenient social housing property or will you have to go through the same “bidding” process to get something?

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Glad to hear your partner has gone to his new home and that he settles soon.

I know your required move is a hard blow at this time, but perhaps a new home will be a liberating thing for you. It may give you a fresh start. I hope it does,.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Talk about good news and bad news......
Im glad that he has gone, as I did worry that he might change his mind again.
What a blow about having to move, though. I do hope you can find somewhere equally nice and it can become a new start

PS - make sure his family know that the landlord has given you notice, so that they are aware that if he changes his mind and says he wants to go home, there isnt anywhere for him to go to.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2020
I’ve just read your post and could’ve cried. You are an amazing person and deserve the best in life. This is your new chapter. You have give nothing but your best so don’t ever feel bad about yourself. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️