Super fit 78 year old but in the later stages


New member
Oct 15, 2023
My dad is 78 and until recently was still on his bike, playing football and badminton, he likes to walk and walk and walk.
He has had dementia for at least 6 years. His memory is pretty much non existent and his speech is just a jumble of words that make no sense at all, apart from the surpringly odd line once in a blue moon. He cannot be left on his own now for his own safety and is confused about everything all of the time. He has significantly declined this year alone. He is up at night wandering around, putting layers of clothes on and waiting by the front door at 4am. My question is, is anyone else in the same position where their family member looks so young, so fit, so well but inside it's a completely different story. It makes it so hard for others to understand and his energy is relentless. I feel like we need an activity carer..... do these even exist ???


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum has always been in very good health but mentally she has gone. She used to walk all the time but this is actually not necessarily a good thing, it’s about restlessness and in my mums case she was at the point of doing herself harm with all the walking.
Getting up early in the morning and getting dressed is not uncommon, getting days and nights muddled . Walking around late into the night/ early morning is called sundowning and is very common.


New member
Oct 15, 2023
Hi there, Thanks for replying. Interesting that you mention about sundowning, I've never heard of but before but came across it this afternoon. Am now reading everything I can about that. I think we narrowed my dad's dementia down to primary progressive aphasia which is why it's robbed him of his speech so quickly. I think if my mum could sleep at night it would help the days immensely but the sleeping pills the doctor gave, don't seem to have any effect anymore. I'm sorry to hear about your mum, I hope you are coping and keeping yourself well too.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Yes aphasia was mums biggest issue from very early on. Have a look at the Admiral nurses info below and maybe give them a call, they are dementia trained nurses and have lots of insight in to all areas of dementia including what medication might help.