Sundowning in the morning!


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
I fully understand why sundowning is so called, because the changes in behaviour occur in the late afternoon/evening. My question is can these changes also happen in the mornings (sunrising!)? My partner is increasingly having these periods of character changes, scrambled memories, bouts of confusion etc. for an hour or so when he first gets up. It doesn`t happen every day (yet), and he does still occasionally also have a sundowning episode, but if anyone else has experienced sundowning in the mornings I will be pleased to hear from them.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
personally, I think it is random. It is with mine. for days and days he saw me as his mum, every evening. then I had 5 days break when we were husband and wife. then briefly one morning I was mum, other times it was all day..I give up trying to work out a pattern, ot what riggers this hallucination. I was going nuts with him. still grateful though that he remains loving and respectful, self caring and clean in his habit, for how long? not thinking about it. each day we are peaceful is a blessing. his memory is all but gone


Registered User
May 13, 2022
I was discussing this very subject with our support worker today. My husband is always worse first thing in the morning and is totally confused and unable to anything for himself. He can no longer switch on the kettle or toaster which he could do a few weeks ago. Memory non existent and sometimes does not know who I am. He seems to improve as the morning goes on. Getting to grips with this terrible disease is a challenge for sure !


Registered User
Mar 27, 2021
My OH awakes up at around 4 to 5am and starts rummaging through drawers and cupboards. It's as if he has forgotten things during his sleep and starts afresh every morning finding things and putting them in safe places. Some mornings he doesn't speak for a couple of hours and other mornings he is totally agitated and confused. The memory clinic prescribed half a tablet of risperidone at lunchtime to help with sundowning. SinCe then he is a lot calmer and happier in the afternoons but the sundowning still kicks in later from around 7pm to about 9.30pm and sometimes later.

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