Sundowning but in the morning


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hubby used to sundown in the evenings for about a year but that has now stopped for quite a while.
Over the last couple of weeks he has been so difficult when waking up in the mornings. Saying that I never talk to him, he has called me immoral, said horrible things about my mum and dad who he loved when they were alive. This is just a flavour of what he has been saying.
Then just as suddenly he goes back to normal and is his usual affectionate self and just cannot remember what he said.
it is just so like when he was sundowning only in the morning.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
My husband is weird first thing in the morning too - struggling with putting the kettle on (with water in it) and pouring it on the made up cups. It takes him a while to come round.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
My mum is also often more confused on waking. I read another person on here ages ago recommending plying the fluid first thing as they may be a little dehydrated overnight. We do that. As mum will also sleep for 12 hrs I also give her a drink when she wakes for the loo. I think it probably does help.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Thank you @sapphire turner and @sdmhred.
It’s definitely not dehydration as hubby drinks a lot of fluid through the night. We have his regular home assessment with the mental health doctor next week. I will have a chat with him.
I try not to let it upset me but it really got to me this morning and then I just felt tired all day.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hubby has just asked me if we had an argument today. I said no but that he had been nasty to me. He then said that he sort of remembered but did not know why he said these things. He is so very upset.