spending money


New member
Dec 13, 2023
Hi there, my name is Mandy and I along with my brother are caring for our mother long distance, our problem is she has no concept of where her money comes from and how much she has, but does know to hand over her card or cash to pay for her weekly shop, we both have POA for finance now and unfortunately because we told the bank she hasn’t got the mental capacity to deal with money her debit card has been revoked, and our only option at the moment is to tell a friend who takes her shopping to give her money to pay for her shopping and make sure she has a small amount of cash on her, then we pay them back from our mums account, which they are happy to do. I have tried setting up a SIBSTAR card for people with dementia but they require by law an email and id, she’s 85 and hasn’t a clue or even has an email. So I was wondering what you all do when it comes to spending money and keeping them safe. She has three carers a day call in to give her, her medication or she wouldn’t take that. TIA


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
As POA, I’d expect you to be able to set up an email account in your Mum’s name to link to the Sibstar card, that only you access and control. Your Mum shouldn’t need to use email at all.

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