Speed of Decline


New member
Apr 19, 2024
Morning, my Mum who is 86 was diagnosed about 4 weeks ago but we noticed changes over the last year or so. Since the diagnosis, we have noticed things seem to be happening a lot quicker, not eating, etc. Is this because we notice more or is this decline, how it progresses. As a family, I think we are trying to look at the positives that Mum is still in her own home and we are putting support in place. I just wondered what other peoples experiences were, knowing that everyone is different. I think I need a bit of reassurance on how it will be. Thanks Lyn


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022

Do you know the kind of dementia your mum has? Does she have medication for Alzheimer’s symptoms? Is it Vascular Dementia, which does progress in a step change formation

Mostly the thing to bear in mind is that very sudden changes can be due to infection. Urinary infections or chest infection etc

Everyone is different. Other illnesses the person has may play a part in progression too

Mum is four years post diagnosis. Lives in Her own home with lots of support

I came to adjust my thinking though. I felt if I knew exactly what to expect I could plan really well and prepare myself and meet mums needs better. This is actually a nonsense
So I think
Today mum is loved
Today mum is safe

When that changes it’s time to change my plans but future gazing doesn’t help.

Wishing you well with the dementia journey

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