Speculative letter advice needed


Registered User
Jul 19, 2017
I have quite a few health problems and really should be on the sick but the GP reckons I can cope so have to do something, one of the only things I can think of doing from my bed is remote working , which I have never done before, so advice on courses would also be helpful, I do get out but due to fluid retention I cant sit for long , I don't even have home connection at the moment, but the job scheme I attend as promised to supply some stuff if I get work, I applied for PIPs so I could afford home connection and equipment but they gave me not many points. So below is the spec letter I need help in tweaking.

Any help appreciated, thanks.


I was just after some advice, I have had some form of dementia for a few years now and found that word puzzles/games such as cryptic crosswords and scrabble have helped greatly, I have spent some time showing others how to do these and wondered if you knew of any organisations I could approach to work remotely from home in doing this? I was thinking of for instance of one to ones with dementia sufferers and online scrabble to help with memory problems."


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Who is the letter to?
Are you actually formally dagnosed? what type do you have? Be specific in your letter


Registered User
Jul 19, 2017
Hello Jessbow

The letter will be to various organisations on spec.

My relationships with GPs has broken down at the moment , it has been some years since I had my scan to show atrophy, likely caused by alcohol use, I was supposed in theory to have more scans to determine exactly what it was, but the massive hurdle is the triggers for returning to drink in trying to get the needed help from GPs as due to present situations with trying to keep people from claiming proper benefits, it is too difficult, I had to go through hell to get the initial scan upon where I doubled my already high alcohol intake, I do not drink now and have had to change GPs many times over the years to just get basic scan etc. So you can see it would be a bit of a mouthful trying to explain all the above in a spec letter. I suppose also need help with which specific organisations to approach. I used to visit in person , but I find due to my younger age than others at groups made me uncomfortable.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2017
I think I should add that I posted this thread in another part of the forum and was advised to relocate it to this folder.
Here are the basics of my problem.

I have memory problems , word puzzles and games help me greatly, I have found it easy to teach people these skills, I need to do some form of work, due to my money situation I struggle with committing to home equipment and connections to do this, I also struggle to apply for jobs and do courses due to not having connection and equipment (as I am not trained in working from home) , I need to put these things in a concise spec letter so organisations know what I mean.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Maybe local home ed groups might be interested.

I think it will be almost impossible to gain paid home working opportunities doing this though


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Dear Sir
I Wonder if you could offer any suggestions as to my ability to assist your organisation

I have had some form of dementia for a few years now and found that word puzzles/games such as cryptic crosswords and scrabble have helped Maintain some of my cognative abilities

I have spent time showing others how to complete crossword and play scrabble and alike
do these and wondered if you knew of any organisations I could approach for remote working opportunities in doing such this?

Kind Regards
Blackstone Re


Registered User
Jul 19, 2017
Thanks for the above in #6 Jessbow, I will use that , or very similar, as it sounds better than the ones I sent out some time ago.

Reply#5" I think it will be almost impossible to gain paid home working opportunities doing this though"---(not too sure how quotes operate on here yet!) I think you are right from the experience I have had with those who receive my email, showing people how to solve cryptic clues gives them a great boost, it transfers skills quite rapidly that they can then use to help themselves, it's selling the idea though, I suppose I would have to set something up and do it voluntary online to show how it can be done, but I have no great net presence and not sure how to build one, it's a minefield even trying to get home set ups, I should be eligible for social tariff , but difficult to get as they try to sell you another more expensive deal in the shops I have tried, plus I think the social tariffs may have limits for any chance of home working so would have to raise the price anyhow.


Registered User
Jun 10, 2023
Hi @BlackstoneReg ,

It would be great to hear if you get this right. Unfortunately I haven't been ablt to keep with the crosswords, etc, that much.
This is where I think it would be nce to get some help.. To find something we can do inline - and help setting this up.
If anyone has these skills, is it pssible to ahre?
I also looked at remote work online - searched through "entry level" . You might find something there?
It really depends on your skills..
I looed through "Upwork" to get some ideas..

Please keep me posted if you manage to progress... that would help me to..
Also, if I DO find out how to do this, I'll let you know.

Kind Regards


Registered User
Jul 19, 2017
Hello Shelley

I am still waiting for an home internet and phone connection but that should be sorted soon, I help a friend via text sometimes, so learning a bit as I go along, for instance I Invent new clues for the answers to give him hints which also helps me. I only get in the library to use public computers about four or five times a week, I usually manage to pick a Metro paper up and can usually always complete the cryptic and the easier one, I used to buy an i paper regular and also complete that one , but I usually only get Saturdays i paper now, we could experiment on here if you get the Metro paper and or the Saturday i ? I am at a loss what to do online, the work coach recommended customer service but the experience I have had with most of them is that they are just there to fob people off , passing them off to other agencies, so it would be disheartening, also data input looks boring and reckon I would be prone to mistakes there, the crossword thing , I would feel as if I am actually helping people giving them some power of their own. If you are on Facebook I think you can play scrabble and other word games with others which may help---Thanks for your help.

(I could also PM you my email if it would be easier for help)

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