Son of an 89 year old sufferer of Dementia


New member
Jan 12, 2024
Hello all, I love my Mom so I want the best for her. She is in a reputable assisted living care center. She is still quite pleasant and remembers her family. She has a geriatric doctor who visits. Our biggest problem is that she suffers from anxiety, specifically cutting toe nails. We have tried everything including the podiatrists. Even with strong medication she still screams until she passes out. I asked if she could be sedated but I have yet to find a doctor willing to do so. It's very frustrating because I know that we can get sedation for teeth. It was a member with a very similar situation that posted to this forum that drew me here. Many well meaning folks suggesting special files, podiatrist visits, medication, reassurance, all of which we have tried. The suggestion that I did see that I didn't think of was a special slipper. I'm sure that that's a last resort but still helpful. Thank you everyone for your caring support.


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
Hello @caregivah and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear that your mother is going through such distress when having her toe nails cut.

I did not have to deal with this situation when I was caring for my husband so, unfortunately, I don't have any new suggestions at this point - but I just wanted to welcome you aboard.

Hopefully, someone with a method you haven't yet tried will be by to help.

I am glad that you have found us and have found the forum supportive and helpful so far.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @caregivah Welcome.

My Podiatrist tends to cut my toe nails very short and then uses a tool to thin the surface which can be quite uncomfortable, even painful.

Is there a possibility your mum may have some memory of this? Could pain be an area of the brain which has not been affected?

I have an elderly friend who does not have dementia but has stopped having treatment from the podiatrist because it hurts too much.

My husband with dementia had the same podiatrist and had no complaints