Social Housing- Would I be included into the tenancy although I’m adult but living with my mum?


New member
Jul 1, 2024
Hi Everyone,

I hope you're doing well. I have a question regarding my housing and benefits situation and would appreciate your advice.

Two years ago, my mother and I were homeless and stayed in a hotel provided by the council. We then moved into a privately rented property. Initially, both our names were on the tenancy agreement, but to ensure full rent coverage by housing benefits, I had to remove my name. Now, we’re in the process of applying for council housing, and the council has requested our tenancy agreement.

My concern is: if we submit the tenancy agreement without my name, will I still be included in my mother’s housing application and future housing offers? If yes, how? If not, should I amend the tenancy and include my name?

Alternatively, if we add my name back to the tenancy agreement, will the housing benefits department reduce the rent coverage again?

I look forward to hearing from you on this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Sounds like a slightly dodgy dealing- without your name you get more benefits

Maybe you should come clean and be honest, maybe then you'll be considered. if you are an adult and live there, presumably you should be on the tenancy, whatever ever entitlement that does or doesnt bring


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
I cant comment on the housing benefit aspect as not sure how entitlements are worked out.

However, can I ask if your mum is the person living with dementia? Do you support her as a carer?

Our mum is currently in a private rental and receives housing benefit which covers some of her rent. She only gets entitlement for herself as she technically lives alone. There is an application for social housing submitted for her to our local council (we are in Northern Ireland).

Our social worker provided a letter to support this application explaining that mum would need a 2 bed property as ahe requires overnight care from family. That is a very specific example to our circumstances, but Id check out that any other requirements that your mum might need are listed and supported with evidence too.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2024
Hi Everyone,

I hope you're doing well. I have a question regarding my housing and benefits situation and would appreciate your advice.

Two years ago, my mother and I were homeless and stayed in a hotel provided by the council. We then moved into a privately rented property. Initially, both our names were on the tenancy agreement, but to ensure full rent coverage by housing benefits, I had to remove my name. Now, we’re in the process of applying for council housing, and the council has requested our tenancy agreement.

My concern is: if we submit the tenancy agreement without my name, will I still be included in my mother’s housing application and future housing offers? If yes, how? If not, should I amend the tenancy and include my name?

Alternatively, if we add my name back to the tenancy agreement, will the housing benefits department reduce the rent coverage again?

I look forward to hearing from you on this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
On the face of it, as an adult you wouldn’t be eligible to be included in your mother’s application for social housing unless there were special circumstances. Her application will be based on her personal needs not yours.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
have you money coming in separate from your mum? carers perhaps? they take that in to consideration and take it off the housing benefit. as for allocations, if its only your mum on the tenancy agreement then it will be only her needs that will be met. do you have a letter telling you why housing benefit is reduced when you are on the tenancy? be careful they dont over pay the housing benefit, you will have to pay it back.