So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
There are so many things our PWDs could become obsessed with, yet tissues/kitchen roll/toilet paper come up again and again. Whether it's cutting them, folding them or just squeezing them into every available gap and crevice, tissue paper seems to be a big favourite.

I wonder what the medical 'experts' would say? Maybe 'tissue issues' should be added to the list of mid-stage dementia symptoms?
There seems to be a commonality to the ‘Tissue Issue.’


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Yes, @Agzy my PWD in early stages went through a phase of great frustration of knowing that she couldn't do what she wanted to as she used to, or couldn't do thins at all. The frustration showed itself in tearing up tissues in anger. The phase passed, and we survived, even if the tissues didn't!.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Yes, @Agzy my PWD in early stages went through a phase of great frustration of knowing that she couldn't do what she wanted to as she used to, or couldn't do thins at all. The frustration showed itself in tearing up tissues in anger. The phase passed, and we survived, even if the tissues didn't!.
😂 😂 😂


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a lovely sort of non-event day with me managing an hour playing Pool with my kid brother as her son called in to visit while I was away. From then on it was radio and TV culminating with ‘Roman Holiday’ with Jean Simmons and she was quite enchanted by it. This morning she had an appointment for blood tests prior to annual MOT next week and as we got ready it was back to the toilet and second accident of the morning but in spite of a great deal of cleaning needed I managed to get her to the surgery with just minutes to spare. I have no idea as to why she can go day with no toileting issues and then mornings like this even though no dietary changes or anything else to pinpoint so must presume it is part on Dementia itself, ah well onwards and upwards as she has hairdresser calling at noon.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Yesterday (Sunday) was a lovely sort of non-event day with me managing an hour playing Pool with my kid brother as her son called in to visit while I was away. From then on it was radio and TV culminating with ‘Roman Holiday’ with Jean Simmons and she was quite enchanted by it. This morning she had an appointment for blood tests prior to annual MOT next week and as we got ready it was back to the toilet and second accident of the morning but in spite of a great deal of cleaning needed I managed to get her to the surgery with just minutes to spare. I have no idea as to why she can go day with no toileting issues and then mornings like this even though no dietary changes or anything else to pinpoint so must presume it is part on Dementia itself, ah well onwards and upwards as she has hairdresser calling at noon.
maybe because pauline knew she had to go out and have blood tests. it could just be nerves causing it.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Yesterday (Sunday) was a lovely sort of non-event day with me managing an hour playing Pool with my kid brother as her son called in to visit while I was away. From then on it was radio and TV culminating with ‘Roman Holiday’ with Jean Simmons and she was quite enchanted by it. This morning she had an appointment for blood tests prior to annual MOT next week and as we got ready it was back to the toilet and second accident of the morning but in spite of a great deal of cleaning needed I managed to get her to the surgery with just minutes to spare. I have no idea as to why she can go day with no toileting issues and then mornings like this even though no dietary changes or anything else to pinpoint so must presume it is part on Dementia itself, ah well onwards and upwards as she has hairdresser calling at noon.
Correction @Agzy - The film Roman Holiday was the first film where Audrey Hepburn had a lead role (not Jean Simmons)!


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
I've sat and watched Roman Holiday today. Outstanding🤗

Audrey's 20 inch waist and stunning looks.

'They don't make them like that anymore', tiny Italian cars as well.

Chin up Agsy. (I'll tell my tales of daycare woes soon)😞



Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
What a wonderful day Was yesterday,
It started as usual with TV and what has been recorded and saved which is basically the same ‘old’ stuff and I reckon, she too is bored with it. I suggested the radio but she said no then asked me about the film of yesterday, Roman Holiday, and where was it (Rome?) so I started chatting about our visits to it and our caravanning days and she asked if we had photos? Well we have 1000’s all stored away and so I started rooting through the drawers and cupboards and came across a large DVD folder of the holiday Slideshows I created over the years.
My 1st choice was our very first holiday together and indeed Paulines very first holiday ever as we spent 2 weeks in July/August 1994 visiting the Torquay area of Devon and St Ives in Cornwall, which included her first flight in a little 6 seater over to the Scilly Isles And back.
In the afternoon it was our first caravanning New Year DVD but that is another story.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
What a wonderful day Was yesterday,
It started as usual with TV and what has been recorded and saved which is basically the same ‘old’ stuff and I reckon, she too is bored with it. I suggested the radio but she said no then asked me about the film of yesterday, Roman Holiday, and where was it (Rome?) so I started chatting about our visits to it and our caravanning days and she asked if we had photos? Well we have 1000’s all stored away and so I started rooting through the drawers and cupboards and came across a large DVD folder of the holiday Slideshows I created over the years.
My 1st choice was our very first holiday together and indeed Paulines very first holiday ever as we spent 2 weeks in July/August 1994 visiting the Torquay area of Devon and St Ives in Cornwall, which included her first flight in a little 6 seater over to the Scilly Isles And back.
In the afternoon it was our first caravanning New Year DVD but that is another story.
Well it's great @Agzy that your Pauline can take in so much from a film. And it lead on to even better films - your hols and memories.
Sadly, my OH can't take in so much from the tv, or if she does (and who knows) she can't speak lucidly about it - after about 4 or 6 words she goes into sounds and non-words. I do try old photos and memory cards too, with varying success, depending on the day.
Thus, moral of the tale: do as much as you can whilst you can. Treasure these days, memories, old films etc. You're doing a grand job!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Yesterday, and when I was in the Middle of moisturising my skin, she burst into the bathroom but too late and a really messy one and knickers went straight into the bin. No idea what brought it on but a reminder of how things were the other week when we had days and days of it. I will now insist on pull-ups at bedtime as cleaning off knickers is no fun.
When I went to play pool with my kid brother in the afternoon I left her watching The Quiet Man on DVD and explained that when it is finished to turn the TV off as she doesn't understand the DVD remote. Funny enough as I arrived back and while reversing into the drive my phone rang and she was upset because her son hadn’t visited and she couldn’t watch Classic Corrie 😂.
After that she was very confused and so tired and, at just 6.30, wanted to go to bed and so I said ok and off she went but came down an hour later as she couldn’t sleep and then we sat watching LFC in the cup match until after 10pm!
This morning I have early appointment at dermatology and then the task of taking her to day care session, a subject not mentioned up to now, gulp!!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
As the clock ticked towards 11.30 and the Alexa announcement reminder that it was time to head out for the ‘Thursday Club,’ so Pauline got more agitated but, as they say, she came quietly in the end. Not that it stopped the complains and accusations of wanting to get rid of her etc and they continued even as she was met and ushered in and letting the staff member know the I didn't love her! However all seemed to go well whilst she was there and the silent treatment had faded as we drove home and now she just wants to sleep but stubbornly continues to do her Wordsearch puzzle instead.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
As the clock ticked towards 11.30 and the Alexa announcement reminder that it was time to head out for the ‘Thursday Club,’ so Pauline got more agitated but, as they say, she came quietly in the end. Not that it stopped the complains and accusations of wanting to get rid of her etc and they continued even as she was met and ushered in and letting the staff member know the I didn't love her! However all seemed to go well whilst she was there and the silent treatment had faded as we drove home and now she just wants to sleep but stubbornly continues to do her Wordsearch puzzle instead.
i think that pauline might just be getting used to it. she has to protest to make you feel guilty but maybe success


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
A grey, wet and cold day and to be honest neither of us felt like moving but, as I had promised to be there off we went to a Memory Cafe with activities and so glad we did if only to share the fact that Pauline and a new found friend both PWD battered me at dominos.’ 😃