Simvastatin (Living in Spain)


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
I have read a letter in an english magazine, this gentleman was on simvastatin 45 mg. for high colestrol the same as my O.H. and was suffering memory loss. After reading an article that simvastatin could cause memory loss he decided to stop taking it and after 2 months his memory had really improved. Has anyone else have any knowledge of this. It is probably pointless mentioning this to my Dr. out here as I have said in previous threads if it wasn't for a locum that was standing in for him my O.H. wouldn't have any medication., I am so grateful to him, hope he comes back again or the present Dr. retires. Don't get me wrong all though is old he is a really good Dr. providing the problems are not old age related. He diagnosed my skin cancer and had me in hospital within 2 weeks. Over the years we have been here we have received good treatment from him. We might just consider going private for O.H. if he gets worse, hes doing o.k. at the moment. Would appreciate anyone who has any information about sivastatin causing memory loss.


Registered User
Jul 22, 2013
MY husband is taking this medication too and has to have a blood test this week, so I will be mentioning it! Thanks for the info.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2013

Hi Acacia

My OH had been taking Symvastatin for 10 years and I also heard about the loss of memory related to this. He was diagnosed in Feb with Alzheimer's and on GPs advice he stopped taking the tablets for a couple of months to see if his memory improved. Unfortunately there was no improvement over that time, in fact I would say his memory loss is becoming worse. He has now resumed taking the tablets. Perhaps like so many things with this disease it works for some but not for others.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes



Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
Hi Acacia

My OH had been taking Symvastatin for 10 years and I also heard about the loss of memory related to this. He was diagnosed in Feb with Alzheimer's and on GPs advice he stopped taking the tablets for a couple of months to see if his memory improved. Unfortunately there was no improvement over that time, in fact I would say his memory loss is becoming worse. He has now resumed taking the tablets. Perhaps like so many things with this disease it works for some but not for others.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes


Thanks Jel, I am going to do this as well, I will stop the simvastatin for a couple of months, I have read that Omega 3 fish oil is a healthy substitute for simvastatin for lowering colestrol. Anyone else read this? I know there is no cure but just looking for some medication to stop it from progressing. My heart goes out to carers who are dealing so well with this dreadful disease, some of the post are so heartbreaking and others heartwarming. Best wishes to all. Acacia.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Hallo Acacia, I have heard of several problems people had with side-effects of drugs for high cholesterol which made them stop taking them. The only thing that concerns me is, if your husband's cholesterol is high, he ought to be on some medication to lower it or he is at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. He probably ought to have a blood test to check the cholesterol reading after 2 months being off it. I am not sure Omega 3 does the same job as otherwise it would be prescribed by the medical profession. Just wanted to point out the dangers of stopping essential medication. Maybe the doctor could suggest an alternative or, at least, you could discuss it with him. I hope you can sort this out as it does sound hopeful that his memory is improving.

Thanks Jel, I am going to do this as well, I will stop the simvastatin for a couple of months, I have read that Omega 3 fish oil is a healthy substitute for simvastatin for lowering colestrol. Anyone else read this? I know there is no cure but just looking for some medication to stop it from progressing. My heart goes out to carers who are dealing so well with this dreadful disease, some of the post are so heartbreaking and others heartwarming. Best wishes to all. Acacia.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
Hallo Acacia, I have heard of several problems people had with side-effects of drugs for high cholesterol which made them stop taking them. The only thing that concerns me is, if your husband's cholesterol is high, he ought to be on some medication to lower it or he is at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. He probably ought to have a blood test to check the cholesterol reading after 2 months being off it. I am not sure Omega 3 does the same job as otherwise it would be prescribed by the medical profession. Just wanted to point out the dangers of stopping essential medication. Maybe the doctor could suggest an alternative or, at least, you could discuss it with him. I hope you can sort this out as it does sound hopeful that his memory is improving.

Thanks Nita, He is going for a regular blood test on Thursday so I can discuss this with the Dr. when we go for results, it is a really good system in Spain every 2 months, blood, urine and sugar are tested, Very pleased with health system and hospital in Spain providing you don't have Alzheimers!! but do think its our Spanish Dr.



Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
I'm glad he is having a check up. It is debateable who needs to take statins; sometimes they are handed out here because drs. get paid for prescribing them. One dr. offered them to me as I have fairly high cholesterol but including a high HDL reading which is good and partially offsets the overall high reading. They take into account other risk factors like family history, blood pressure, whether you smoke or are overweight. Overall I had a 4% risk factor so the next doctor I saw didn't think I had to take the statins. Hopefully, the dr. where you are will carry out the same assessment. Can he speak good English? Hope you get on OK. I found the treatment in Italy was all right, I had feared the worst before I went.


Registered User
I did the same after reading about Statins, I talked it over with the Consultant and we stopped George's Statins for two months, but it made no difference to his Memory. This was about eighteen months ago. If it works for your OH Acacia, go for it. I am a great believer in trying anything that will help, even a little.
Love Margaret x