Side effects of Memantine


Registered User
Apr 6, 2022
Maldon, Essex
mine on 20mg after doing 5mg each week. hes had it 2 years now and no problems. he does have metformin for type 2 diabetes twice a day.
Thanks @jennifer1967 my husband also has type 2 diabetes but doesn't take Metformin or any other tablets for it. He doesn't sleep during the day but I have noticed he yawns a lot - I put it down to the fact that he wanders around at night, has showers and shaves at ridiculous times of the night and early morning and leaves lights on all around the house. As a result I don't get a full night's sleep either. I will get him to take the Memantine in the evening and see if it makes a difference.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
We were advised by MHU that the best time to take the Memantine was early evening - say 6 or 7 pm.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Hi @TessB :)

The obvious conclusion I would draw from clinicians administering/prescribing memantine in the morning would be if it knocks you sideways sleep-wise the risk of falls would be greater during the day as a consequence? Strange one and having had some experience of working in the field (in a past life 😉) you'd think common sense might prevail in this instance! If it was me in receipt of such meds I don't think I'd like to be zombied out either!!

I suppose there might be some valid prescribing reason... but what I can vouch for is that for my mum giving it at night works well.
Thanks for your reply. Going to query it with the doctor as mum has been sleeping a lot during the day and then often calling out at night , though not last night, thank goodness, otherwise I don't get much sleep


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Thanks for your reply. Going to query it with the doctor as mum has been sleeping a lot during the day and then often calling out at night , though not last night, thank goodness, otherwise I don't get much sleep
Just read online that sodium bicarbonate increases the amount of Memantine in the system. Mum loves biscuits and they usually have sodium bicarbonate in the ingredients so that would increase the effect on mum. Another reason to give Memantine at night


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Just read online that sodium bicarbonate increases the amount of Memantine in the system. Mum loves biscuits and they usually have sodium bicarbonate in the ingredients so that would increase the effect on mum. Another reason to give Memantine at night
Queried with both Admiral Nurse and Memory clinic. Both said to give Memantine in the evening


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Queried with both Admiral Nurse and Memory clinic. Both said to give Memantine in the evening
Just musing - it's a hard enough job as it is, when you don't know what to do for the best. It really doesn't help to get conflicting advice. Plus, memory clinic said not to crush the Donepezil (mum often refuses meds) but GP said it was ok.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
my daughter who does my husbands meds and puts them in trays at the pharmacy she works at, always puts his memantine in his bedtime tablets box.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Tried giving mum Memantine at night but she still slept a lot during the day. She is not on it at all now as she has some level of heart failure which GP said may have been caused by the Memantine. Apparently it's a rare side effect.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2022
Maldon, Essex
Has anyone else noticed elevated sugar levels when on 20mg Memantine? My husband has type 2 diabetes and has just started 20mg (working up in 5mg steps) with no apparent side effects. It is taken in the evenings where before it was in the morning. There has been a noticeable rise in the sugar levels the following morning, nothing dreadful but meaning that the insulin injections levels have had to be increased.
Has anyone else seen this?


New member
Nov 8, 2023
Hi. My husband has middle stage Alzheimer's. He has Rivastigmine patches to the maximum 13mg dose and has recently been prescribed Memantine as well. We are only on week one - so a low dose to build up to higher levels, but this seems to be knocking him for six. Within a short time of taking the tablet each morning he is feeling very woozy / dizzy and then falls asleep for a couple of hours. He also seems to have lost his appetite. If this is after a 5mg dose, I'm not sure how he will ever cope with the 20mg 'normal' dose. Ironically though I would say that after only 5 days of this low dose he is more aware of some things. Does anyone else have experience of this where the side effect situation has improved with time? Thanks
My partner takes 20 ml of meantime daily and it does nothing for him. He has stopped sleeping at night and sleeps very little during the day. Unfortunately it will only get worse.

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