Should I be Concerned


Registered User
Jan 26, 2010
Has anyone else experienced getting a strange twanging noise in their head? I ask because a few times when I am trying to settle down to sleep I have experienced a funny sensation in my head, as if someone was stretching an elastic band, and it has just flipped back. I can't describe it any other way, but it is quite frightening when it occurs.
It's not painful, but I am very aware that it has happened, as it's quite loud.
I also know my memory isn't that good, but I am thinking that's stress related, heads in the shed!
Cjay :eek:

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I have experienced this many times Cjay and put it down to static electricity in my hair, and polycotton pillowcases.
Since I have changed to pure cotton pillowcases with no polyester it hasn`t happened.
I have no concerns about my memory.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2010
Thanks Grannie, but this sensation is inside my head, I already use polycotton pillowcases, and I know it's not static electricity.
I wish that I could blame the springs on the bed, but have none of those either, think I am losing the plot here somewhere!
When it occurs it really wakes me up sharpish, (if you know what I mean) even though I haven't got over to sleep.
Luckily it has happened on only a few occasions, but enough to make me wonder what is going on!
Thanks for your thoughts on the subject. :confused:


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands

Have you thought of going to your GP about this?

You do mention that you think it may be stress related.

Extreme stress can cause a lot of "physical manifestations" and it's always better to have a professional opinion.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
CJay, this sensation was inside my head too and caused by the polyester in polycotton pillowcaeses.
Now I have pure cotton pillowcases and it no longer happens.

But please go to your GP if you are worried.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Now I never have this in bed and I have pure cotton bedding, but I've experienced it while I'm up and active and I know for a fact that I often get electric shocks off my clothing, so the static theory fits. Mine is inside my head too. It's never happened frequently enough to cause concern. To be honest, I thought it may just be a little blood vessel bursting so the static theory is good enough for me! Thanks Sylvia :):):)


Registered User
Jan 26, 2010
Sorry I didn't read Sylvia's post correctly did I? :eek:
I will try pure cotton pillowcases, and don't really want to go to doctor's, unless it becomes more of a problem, guess I'm being a coward! The blood vessel theory seems to fit, maybe I'm over-reacting,
I will let you know if I experience it again, hoping that because I have told someone it may not happen again.
I also know that when I am stressed out, my body does react in funny ways, like having panic attacks in the middle of a conversation, when I thought I was coping with life. :(
Thank you all for your support,

Fearless Egg

Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
I am a new user I just registered to respond to this thread. I have suffered from bouts of this condition on and off for many years. It is quite distressing. I actually have been awake since 4am this morning as I suffered another bout last night. Have been scouring the web trying to find posts by people with the same symptoms, and came across this post.
One of the biggest problems with this condition is that it is very hard to describe. If you ever watched the movie 'Predator' there is a noise that the alien makes that is very similar to the sound that you get from this condition.
I call it 'condition' because that is exactly what it is. 'EHS' or 'Exploding Head Syndrome'. Sounds a bit melodramatic I know but if you follow this link I am sure you will find it all too familiar.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!:eek:

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
That is not my experience. There is no sound whatsoever for me. All I feel is akin to an internal electric shock as my head moves on the pillow.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2010
Fearless Egg

Thank you, I have just read that link that you sent, It is a sensation including the noise. It also matches the time, in that is when I am in that drowsy state of just going over to sleep. Glad to say that I have not experienced it since writing on this post, and it was interesting to read that it can be stress related. :(
Maybe now I know what it is I can deal with it, hope that you too will be able to do the same.
I also noted that the more you worry the worse the symptoms, so I guess relaxation is the key here.
Thank you once again.
Cjay :)