Short-term disability for FrontoTemporal Dementia--help!


Registered User
Feb 1, 2017
US - Virginia
I am 47 and have just been diagnosed with FTD. I have some difficulty with my speech, as well as behavior (introverted, depressed and anxious). Within the past two months, I had a "transient amnesia" moment and went home from work, thinking all I had was a panic attack, when in actuality I got lost at my workplace (and didn't remember this until 4 days later). I have been out on short-term disability for 3 months; my workplace allows 5, then defers to long-term. I'd like to move back home to be near family. I THINK I might be able to handle work if I return in a couple of months--I'm a therapist--but I'm scared that I won't be able to handle the responsibilities, as I am not as organized as I used to be and have some memory issues.

Does anyone have experience regarding benefits? If I move home, I would have to quit my job and start work at a new place. Do I tell my new employer that I have FTD? If I start working and find that I can't keep up with responsibilities, can I apply for long-term disability with my former employer (of a different state)? Can I get SSI and still work part-time? I just don't have any clue about what resources are available to me if I quit my job that I've been with for 6 years--and has a great benefits package. Please help!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hi Kirgina, welcome to TP
I'm guessing that as you refer to "SSI" and a "different state" that you're posting from the USA. This is a UK based site although there are many people from all over the world including many in the USA on here and each country has very different rules so if you're in the USA it may worth amending your post to include this.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello kirkina and welcome to the forum.

Im sorry that you are having trouble at work. Getting lost must have been quite frightening.

From your reference to working in another state and to SSI, Im guessing that you live in US? This is a UK site and Im not familiar with the benefits system in US, but there are people on here who come from US who can probably help you.

Could you please confirm which country (and perhaps state if in US) you live in?


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hello kirgina
welcome to TP
a worrying experience for you at work - it's good that your employers have agreed to the 3 months break - and wise to consider your plans fro the future
there are other members here themselves living with a diagnosis, and members living in the USA who will know about the system there
might you add USA or the name of a state to your profile, so that members can see immediately on every post where you are?
I wonder if it might be worth taking the long-term disability from your present employer to give you time to think - is this like over here, where you will effectively retire early and receive a reduced pension? or is it just a break which keeps your job open but you have no income? - is there an administrator of your employer's scheme you may chat to; as they already know your position, you wouldn't be giving them any info you'd rather they didn't have right now
do you have a professional body of therapists, a union or association, you might contact to discuss your situation?
sorry not to be particularly helpful
do keep posting
best wishes


Registered User
Feb 1, 2017
US - Virginia

Shedrech, thank you for your advice. You did, in fact, give me something to think about. I'm just scared right now and ANY advice is helpful, since I feel very alone in all this. This wasn't supposed to happen in the middle of my career! I'm too young!

Everyone else who replied: thank you, as well. Yes, I am from the US and forgot to mention that. I will add to my profile.
