Sexual behavior


New member
May 28, 2024
Well I am starting this post and don't even know how to go about it. My father is 74 has dementia. My mom passed on about 9 years ago now. But my Dad has started thinking all the female staff at the memory care center he is at are his girlfriends and has started sexually harassing them. The center brought it up today. I am afraid he is going to get kicked out if he doesn't stop. I have limited my time with him because of the sexual talk. I don't have a clue what I am doing. A daughter can only take so much sexual talk with her father. I know he is bored but he doesn't want and refuses to do anything. Turns off the TV. Won't go to activities. Never really had hobbies, but gardening and he can't do that at the center. I just don't know enough to help that is why I found a place to help take care of him. But he is on the last nerve of everyone there as well. Sex is the only thing he talks about anymore. Help please.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Dcg1219 and welcome to the Forum. I don't have direct experience of this but am aware that heightened sexuality can be an issue in dementia. I certainly appreciate that you find this difficult to deal with. Other members of our friendly and helpful community may have more experience that they can share with you.

This link may also help:



Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Is he taking any medication for anxiety? If not, it might be worth asking for it. If he already is, then maybe you could suggest increasing the dose.


New member
May 28, 2024
The doctors don't want to put him on more medications because of the kidney issues. Trying to keep him off the Foley since he ripped out the last one. Which is a whole other story and also something he talks about because he shredded his member when he did this.


New member
May 28, 2024
He is on no medicine for his dementia. Only medicine he has been taking for years.