Self harm

Janey B

Registered User
Aug 15, 2019
Hi folks sounds dramatic doesn’t it? but that’s what it is.

Not intentional of course but when agitated my OH (FTD late stage) has some repetitive movements which result in him rubbing off his skin (like a Chinese burn)
During the day most times I can distract him but night time is a problem he wakes regularly and either rubs or scratches his skin until it bleeds. He is already on night sedation but not of any help low dose and only given 7 a month ! ( zopicione 3.75mg)
I am seeing the Doctor later in the week so hopefully they will be able to give him something stronger to help calm him down. Anybody with similar difficulties or advice please?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I dont know whether it will work in your case, but OH is constantly scratching himself at night and makes his skin bleed. I put cotton gloves on him to stop the scratching and this seems to have stopped him breaking the skin


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
One from the left field here, during the day might twiddle muffs help? My daughters group have knitted loads , just a knitted cuff with buttons, toggles ribbons etc
The idea being that if the PWD can fidget with these, they won’t pick at skin
I guess you would have to be careful with wool type fibre and in bed at night with the light off it would be less likely to work but thought I would mention it just in case it might help someone


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Is his skin actually itchy and does he scratch the same place all the time?

If so you can get creams for severe itching that might ease the situation.


Registered User
Dec 17, 2021
My mum also does this. I haven't found a cure. I try to distract her with other things e. g. Rubik's cube and magic snake puzzles. When it gets too bad I stick plasters over, which works until she pulls them off.

Janey B

Registered User
Aug 15, 2019
Thanks for the info folks bought some Cotten gloves and cream today 🤞 the scratching is in the same place (both arms) but he never scratches in the day.
The friction burns are caused by him rubbing his skin as part of his repetitive movements he does this during the day as well but I can usually distract him and prevent any skin damage. Unfortunately during the night this is not the case.
Maybe some antihistamines may help will see what the Doctor says.