Seeking Diagnosis


New member
Feb 24, 2024
I have something that has happened 4 times in 8 months. Here are the symptoms

I lose an hour (aprox)

I will come to somewhere but do not remember going there. last time I came too walking near my house with a t shirt on in 10 degree weather

I'm very confused but it gradually goes away
While this is going on (after I come to) I can speak and answer questions with no problem
I can't figure my phone out. I can't figure out how to call or text

I return to normal

The way I can tell things are returning to normal is I can type in a simple sentence in my text app

I have had MRI's Pet Scans, CT's and multiple times. They never did the scans during an attack though

an EEG (for 3 days)

I thought it might be a reaction to my cancer med Pomalyst but the oconlogist does not think so

Other than that I feel fine, eat well.
I exercise daily
Don't drink or do drugs
I am being treated for Multiple Myeloma cancer
I had a Stem Cell Transplant and all my numbers are good



Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
@Cioli , that sounds very worrying for you, particularly while you are receiving cancer treatment. I am afraid that I am not able to comment on the cause of this, but I am glad that you have mentioned it to your Doctor.
My only suggestion is that perhaps you discuss it with your neighbours so that they can look out for you, and perhaps the police in case you are found in a confused state?
Take care.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Cioli an welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your ongoing treatment for cancer, this must be worrying for you. And now you have these other symptoms that are concerning you. Your doctors do seem to have been very thorough in trying to find out what is happening.
All i can suggest is that you keep into contact with your doctor for regular check ups and contact them urgently if you have another episode.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Bear in mind that there are other explanations than dementia. When I had epileptic seizures, I could have ‘absences’ where I lost several hours. They were usually at home - on one occasion as far as I was aware I just blinked, and it had gone from being mid-afternoon and light, to being six in the evening and dark. But on one occasion I was standing at the bus stop waiting to go to work, then I blinked and I was standing at the door of my office.

It does sound like you’ve gone through all of the diagnostics for that kind of issue though. Might be worth talking to tour GP about anti-seizure medication, but it’s pretty pokey stuff and it might not be wise to take it on a ‘see if this helps’ basis. Especially with all the other meds you’re on.

All the best to you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Another possibility is that its due to stress (and you have enough in your life to be stressed about) and you are getting dissociative episodes.
I have had MRI's Pet Scans, CT's and multiple times. They never did the scans during an attack though
Scans wont change during an episode, the results dont change that quickly. Its not like an EEG that will capture changes in electrical function in real time.