Second time lucky!!!


Registered User
Dec 18, 2021
So, this is a sad post to me in a number of ways ..... we took my Mum to the UK care how just 9 weeks ago ... she didn't settle at all and then stopped eating and drinking .... we visited and tried to cajole, supplied the home with familiar sweet treats but to no avail. Eventually we got the call and I headed to the UK to be with my Mum in her last days. I found that whole period horrendous .... she in took nothing and her mouth was open the whole time. My Mum on day 3 indicated that she was in some discomfort and then morphine was administered. Up to this point my Mum age 91 had never been on any long term medication. She was strong and she carried on fighting - what for I am not sure but about 5 days and after many moments when I thought the end was coming she passed ... her breathing slowed and then stopped!!!! She was a shadow of who she had been physically and I cannot imagine that is the way we should watch our loved ones last days/hours. I am sad that she is gone and at this time in practical mode sorting out funeral and paperwork. I am sad that when i left her there just such a short time ago she looked like a functional human and her demise was rapid.... was that my fault ? should I have kept her here with us? would she have lasted longer? on the flip side we have looked retrospectively and maybe she was further down this dementia road that we knew! I am also sad because I have used this forum as a source of knowledge and comfort and now I will walk away from it . I would like to say Thank you to all of you that took time to respond to my posts and offer advice and comfort .... and I would like to wish all of you still on your paths the very best......the journey is long and hard ..... please please please take time and be kind to yourself ..... my thoughts are with you :)
I’m so so sorry for your loss. It’s been a horrendous time for all of you and even if you’d come back you couldn’t have changed the outcome. Thank goodness your mum is now at peace. comfort yourself with the thought that you did the best you could, you couldn’t have done more and she’s now resting.


Registered User
May 30, 2023
I’m so so sorry for your loss. It’s been a horrendous time for all of you and even if you’d come back you couldn’t have changed the outcome. Thank goodness your mum is now at peace. comfort yourself with the thought that you did the best you could, you couldn’t have done more and she’s now resting.
Thank you very much for your kind words - they are much appreciated :)


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
So, this is a sad post to me in a number of ways ..... we took my Mum to the UK care how just 9 weeks ago ... she didn't settle at all and then stopped eating and drinking .... we visited and tried to cajole, supplied the home with familiar sweet treats but to no avail. Eventually we got the call and I headed to the UK to be with my Mum in her last days. I found that whole period horrendous .... she in took nothing and her mouth was open the whole time. My Mum on day 3 indicated that she was in some discomfort and then morphine was administered. Up to this point my Mum age 91 had never been on any long term medication. She was strong and she carried on fighting - what for I am not sure but about 5 days and after many moments when I thought the end was coming she passed ... her breathing slowed and then stopped!!!! She was a shadow of who she had been physically and I cannot imagine that is the way we should watch our loved ones last days/hours. I am sad that she is gone and at this time in practical mode sorting out funeral and paperwork. I am sad that when i left her there just such a short time ago she looked like a functional human and her demise was rapid.... was that my fault ? should I have kept her here with us? would she have lasted longer? on the flip side we have looked retrospectively and maybe she was further down this dementia road that we knew! I am also sad because I have used this forum as a source of knowledge and comfort and now I will walk away from it . I would like to say Thank you to all of you that took time to respond to my posts and offer advice and comfort .... and I would like to wish all of you still on your paths the very best......the journey is long and hard ..... please please please take time and be kind to yourself ..... my thoughts are with you :)
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