Scarey morning


Registered User
Apr 30, 2006
The social services were coming to see mum and me at 10am today .
As mum is not always an early riser I decided to wake her at 8.30 with a cuppa....She looked very tired so I left her.
30 mins later heard a bang....went into see her and she was on all fours on her bed having knocked over her bookcase.....swaying from side to side....not very coherent....very wobbly....I sat her on the bed,removed her wet clothes as best I could to make her comfortable but she was like a dead weight...Managed to get her into the lounge and sat her down and gave her a cuppa....She kept saying over and over she was disgusting and stupid.......I felt awful for her....I think she may have tried to go to the toilet but didn't quite make it....I was going to call the doctor but then she rallied round a bit....Social worker came 10 mins later and I explained what had happened and he said,in order not to cause her any distress,he would come back another day to talk to her....he then talked to me about what sort of things I wanted for her but I felt really as my heart was not in it as I was worried about mum.....We talked of daycare,respite and possible direct payments but I wasn't really taking it in....Now I feel as if I've lost my chance to talk....feel guilty because I didn't call the doctor straight away...and now I've written this rambling thread which probably doesn't make sense to anyone....I was scared and thought I was going to lose her....she's fine now and can remember nothing of it....
I've not witnessed this before


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
Gosh glad to hear that your mum ok .

what a shock you must be in ,your mum blood sugar level could of gone low , even if your mum is not diabetic, or is she ? you could still call NHS Direct or your doctor tell them what happen & ask them for advice if it happen again in the future. Phone the social worker that you spoke to just tell him if he could call again as what happen with your mum was a bit of a shock & did not take in what he said or what you wanted to tell him