Scared I might have early onset dimentia


New member
Apr 11, 2020
Hi there, I'm in my late 40s and in the last 18 months or so I've been concerned about my memory. I do suffer from anxiety and currently recieve cbt but I'm really worried about being in the early stages of dementia. I find it hard to recall long term memories, things that I should know I can't recall in detail or seems to be no conviction in my thoughts, I'm very absent minded, lack of concentration and I feel very distant. I. Constantly trying to recall past events and do a lot of self testing but I just get myself into a state because I just go blank. My therapist things this is stresss/anxiety induced but I really think it's more severe than that. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi @Buzz70 and welcome to the forum.

I‘m sorry you are so concerned. Under normal circumstances I would have suggested that you share your concerns with your GP. Under the current situation that might not be possible. There are many reasons why a person may be displaying symptoms such as those you describe. When things are eventually calmer it might be an idea to visit your GP and discuss your concerns, if you have not already done this,

Your therapist is right in relation to anxiety and stress leading or contributing to the symptoms.


Registered User
May 27, 2016
Please listen to your therapist, Izzy is quite right too. So many things cause these symptoms and it is easy to get into a vicious circle.
I, like many are finding Corvid is bringing extra issues into the mix. We are having to rethink what self care means.
When the world is fully released from lock down I hope things will ease for everyone.


Registered User
May 21, 2018
Hi there, I'm in my late 40s and in the last 18 months or so I've been concerned about my memory. I do suffer from anxiety and currently recieve cbt but I'm really worried about being in the early stages of dementia. I find it hard to recall long term memories, things that I should know I can't recall in detail or seems to be no conviction in my thoughts, I'm very absent minded, lack of concentration and I feel very distant. I. Constantly trying to recall past events and do a lot of self testing but I just get myself into a state because I just go blank. My therapist things this is stresss/anxiety induced but I really think it's more severe than that. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hello @Buzz70. Stress and anxiety are very often accompanied by lack of concentration and trouble remembering things. Putting yourself under more stress by striving to remember is probably not helping at all. In our 50's, our memory is not as good as it once and it is very common to, for example, forget what we went upstairs for. For the females, there is also menopause to take into account which really messes the head up! I'm past all that but still looked in the dishwasher for a bottle of wine yesterday. As a general rule, if you, for example, forget to put teabags in the teapot, it's fine. If you can't remember what a teapot is or what it is for, then possibly you should consult a GP. For now, I would try to stop worrying about it and cut yourself some slack. By all means, as @Izzy suggests, consult your GP when things are calmer if you are still worried about it, just to put your mind at rest. In the meantime, try do something relaxing or absorbing. Keep posting if you feel you want to chat about it. No need for you to feel alone. Warmest wishes.


New member
Apr 11, 2020
Thanks for your quick replies. Maybe it's just a viscous circle I'm finding myself in. It can be frightening and frustrating not to be able to recall things I should know or feel confused and agitated constantly. Like I said I suffer from extreme anxiety and stress and this could be just another symptom of it. I know dementia usually starts in older age but I've heard stories that people in their 40s and early 50s can suffer as well which makes it all the worrying.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Yes, dementia can sometimes start in your 40s and 50s, but but the memory loss pattern that you are describing is not typical. Has anybody else noticed any changes in you? Dementia involves far, far more than just memory problems.


New member
Apr 11, 2020
No,my wife thinks I'm over worrying. I've always been scatty and absent minded but recently it's a lot worse. I do stress over the smallest of things but it's my long term memory which is concerning me the most