Say hello and introduce yourself I live in France. My OH has dementia


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Hello everyone on this forum. I’m wondering if any of you are in my situation…living in France. It’s early in the morning and the only time I have to myself to write this. My husband has had many tests over the past year..all show signs of alzeimers. His symptoms are worsening and very worrying, and without support I’m finding it very difficult. He can be delusional, paranoid, and doesn’t sometimes see me as his wife. He becomes very confused. I calm him. I cannot leave him alone anywhere because I would worry about him wandering or panicking wondering where I was. Even in the house he sometimes panics if I am not close by. His short term memory is about an hour or so. He forgets quickly. As I write this please don’t think I’m feeling sorry for myself, I’m not, but I am feeling isolated, alone, sometimes scared, controlled and desperate at times..although I’m a ‘toughie’. home help, someone to stay with my oh if I need to go to my appts. I need an op and I’ve cataracts coming. we live in an old house. i do almost everything and there aren’t enough hours in the day. if I were ever I’ll..I’m 75…he would not be able to make a scares me. I need to be well for him. 9 months ago I made an appt to see a neurologist ..which I know will be definitive given what I’ve been told by my very supportive doctor here in France who we have been with for 20 years,, but the appt date is August this year..although we are getting closer to it now. I’ve chased up for an earlier appointment by letter and the last one I enclosEd all the reports including the Geriatricians home visit report and MRIs. etc.. no acknowledgement. My doctor is concerned for me. There are days when it’s fairly normal lull me into a false state of ‘everything’s okish’ but it isn’t. I’m scared. my husbands personality is changing. He can be accusatory, paranoid, and delusional and more. We’ve been married nearly 26 years and I love him dearly and want to care for him but I am struggling to get the support that I need. Please can you advise me what to do, who I could contact whilst waiting for the neurologist appt, and is there anyone on this Forum who lives in France with the same issues ..? I would so appreciate feedback… thank you….
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
As you live in France and one of my 3 children does too with her French husband, advice may vary, different countries have different rules.
That said caring and compassion don't do rules or international boundaries , so hello, welcome and tell us all about it. K


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @BeebB.

I’m so sorry to read about your situation. I can feel your concern and worry through your post. I believe we do have some members who live in France so hopefully they will be able to share their experiences with you.

I wondered if you had been in touch with the Alzheimer Association in France. Perhaps they would be able to provide you with some practical support or suggestions.



Registered User
Jun 9, 2021
BeebB - we live in France, up t’north in Manche! My wife has dementia and I’m facing similar issues to you. We’ve been together over 50 years and watching our shared wonderful life together slowly slip from her memory is particularly hard. We had the same, English speaking, Doctor since we came here nearly 20 years ago and while he’s confirmed that she has dementia as she completed the MMSE test and got only 19 out of 30, his suggestion that we go for a neurologist appointment didn’t go down well with my wife and I’m letting it drift rather than start an argument - plus the neurologist he suggested has quite a lot of negative reviews. A contact near us explained some of the steps he took regarding help with his wife - now sadly departed - and I’ve been doing some research for the future. Let me know what you support you need and I can offer some help. Regards, Jonathan

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