Say Hello….


New member
Apr 24, 2024
Hi, My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last May and my father, sadly, was diagnosed, just last week, with Mixed - Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia. Feeling rather overwhelmed! Looking forward to hearing how others have supported their loved ones. My sister lives in Sydney and I live 500 miles away from my parents so I spend most of my time flying up and down to Surrey whilst trying to be married, enjoy my family and run a business in the Highlands!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006

Living so far from your parents will make caring for them virtually impossible in time to come, especially with your commitments.

It might be best to try to get support and a power of attorney sorted as soon as possible.

I cared for my mother locally and that was a big enough problem so I understand what you are facing.

We do have some long distance carers on the forum and I hope they will share their experiences with you and provide some insight
and support


New member
Apr 24, 2024

Living so far from your parents will make caring for them virtually impossible in time to come, especially with your commitments.

It might be best to try to get support and a power of attorney sorted as soon as possible.

I cared for my mother locally and that was a big enough problem so I understand what you are facing.

We do have some long distance carers on the forum and I hope they will share their experiences with you and provide some insight
and support
Thanks for your reply. We have Carers in 4 times a day and LPAs for both Health & Welfare and Finances. You’re right - when things progress, will definitely have to up the Care.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2024
You have a lot in your plate. No solutions from me but I'm sure that others will have good advice. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you are going through it


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Hi, My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last May and my father, sadly, was diagnosed, just last week, with Mixed - Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia. Feeling rather overwhelmed! Looking forward to hearing how others have supported their loved ones. My sister lives in Sydney and I live 500 miles away from my parents so I spend most of my time flying up and down to Surrey whilst trying to be married, enjoy my family and run a business in the Highlands!
Welcome to the Department of Support for the overwhelmed. There's always someone here for you.
Strikes me it would be cheaper, simpler and more effective for all of you, to move your parents into a care home or retirement complex in Scotland, while they are at the start of their dementia journey, rather than later
I just looked up