

New member
Feb 14, 2018
Hi. My Dad has end stage dementia. He has trouble getting to sleep at night and is very often awake until around 4am but will then sleep until about midday. He was in a care home but we've just moved him to a better nursing home (the care home claimed they couldn't cope with him being awake all night, although he's not aggressive). Last week his doctor prescribed Respiradon. It kept my Dad asleep throughout the first night but the next night he was back to his usual awake all night, so they upped the dose to 2 tablets the following night. Upon moving to the nursing home they were extremely concerned that he was sleeping all day and night, so much so that the duty doctor advised no more Respiradon. I'd just like to know of others' experience of Respiradon for dementia patients.


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Hi welcome to TP
I personally have no knowledge of Respiradon, but altered sleep patterns seem to be common, drugs can cause drastic reactions, glad the duty doctor is concerned and is monitoring the situation.
Hopefully some one with more knowledge of Respiradon than me will be able help with more information


Registered User
May 21, 2014
The correct name is Risperidone and everyone reacts differently to certain medication. If it's not doing what it's supposed to do or side effects creep up, the GP needs to do a medication review.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
@Beate is correct. Risperidone is an anti-psychotic medication. It is sometimes used in people with dementia, to help with symptoms like extreme agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, etc. It can have very severe side effects, and needs to be used with caution, only when necessary, and carefully and regularly monitored.

Tbh, if it were me, I would be questioning using risperidone as a sedative.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2014
My Dad is on risperidone for agitation/aggressive behaviour. It seems to be working for him, though a lot of thought has gone into getting the dose right. As others have mentioned, if it's appropriate for his symptoms that's fine, but I would certainly ask questions about whether it is the most appropriate medication. Georgina. X