Residential home financial assessment


New member
Jul 27, 2023
My grandad was in hospital for a while after a few falls and was then transferred into a rehab bed (in a care home). After being there for 4 weeks he was then admitted to hospital and is now medically fit for discharge, however the doctors and nurses believe a care home is the next step and we’re waiting for a social work assessment.

For the past 3 years he’s been having home carers and they have been part funded by social and part funded by him. They’ve never asked to see bank statements and have just taken the information they’ve gotten from the DWP regarding his benefits and pension (he doesn’t own his own home and his pensions are his only income)

I help with his finances by having his mobile banking on my phone and if he needs anything, shopping, clothes eg I just buy it for him by transferring the funds from his bank to mine and paying with my card. I also transfer his home care bill money from his account to mine and pay from my account. We don’t have power of attorney.

My question is, will they just take the information they have still on file from the home care? It’s the same council. Do they ask to see bank statements eg or just take your word for it? I’m worried I will get in trouble with the way we’ve been dealing with his finances as I haven’t kept receipts or anything. How far back will they go with bank statements? 3 months, 6 months? Will I get in trouble with the social workers for dealing with his money this way?

Edit to add - he’s now also deemed to not have capacity so setting up a LPA is out of the question.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @nellymay12 and welcome to Talking Point.

When mum moved into hercare home the LA wanted to see bank statements, letters from DWP etc going back 6 months, but I think it varies from LA to LA.

I think that now your grandad is in a care home SS wont be happy that no-one has POA and they will probably insist that someone needs to apply to the court of protection for deputyship. My mum wouldnt give anyone POA either and once she moved into a care home (having lost capacity) SS asked me if I would be prepared to apply for deputyship, or otherwise they would apply themselves.


New member
Jul 27, 2023
Hi @nellymay12 and welcome to Talking Point.

When mum moved into hercare home the LA wanted to see bank statements, letters from DWP etc going back 6 months, but I think it varies from LA to LA.

I think that now your grandad is in a care home SS wont be happy that no-one has POA and they will probably insist that someone needs to apply to the court of protection for deputyship. My mum wouldnt give anyone POA either and once she moved into a care home (having lost capacity) SS asked me if I would be prepared to apply for deputyship, or otherwise they would apply themselves.
I’m happy to apply for deputyship and will look into that.
I’m more worried about the way we’ve been dealing with his finances, (which when I look back I know is unwise) I don’t have receipts for the bank transfers as it’s just been shopping and takeaways mainly and I’m worried from a social perspective it will look like I’ve been ‘stealing’ his money.