Removing husband from care home ?


Registered User
Nov 15, 2023
You deflect them however you can. It will a lot harder mentally and physically to cope with him at home 24 hours a day than to put up with his requests to come home while you are visiting and can walk away after a few hours!
What will you do if you get him home and the carers don’t turn up or don’t come at the time expected? They could be inexperienced and not capable of using a hoist. What will you do when once hoisted out of bed your husband needs changing or wants to go back to bed and carers aren’t due for another couple of hours?
I think the pressure you currently feel because of his constant requests to “go home” is minimal compared to caring for him at home. He isn’t getting CHC funding for nothing!
Doesn’t one have to assume that carers are qualified and capable of using a hoist ?
Otherwise , I agree with you
It does sound challenging
I am just trying to think what’s best for him but it’s a nightmare


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
This is horrible for you - and him - I think everyone on here "gets" that. But the very simple fact is you do not have POA - you are not in a position to make decisions about his health and welfare. If you were to try to take him home and it was deemed that he didn't have capacity to decide for himself what was best for him then his continuing care is completely out of your hands. He must have quite serious problems to be getting CHC - so it is unlikely that permission would be given for you to take him home. You could get into serious trouble if you decided to do so. I'm sorry.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2023
As advised above, keep telling ‘love lies’, deflect, change the subject.

As might be expected this is very common amongst folks with dementia. Who wouldn’t want to go back to more familiar surroundings, or - more likely - a time and place in the past which was less frightening and confusing.

But the reality is that his needs have outstripped his wants, which if you step back, you will see that you really couldn’t meet at home, even with a team of carers.

I do feel for you, as do others here. It’s a terribly upsetting situation but not unusual and you’re not alone in your feelings. My family went through it with my Mum when she was temporarily in hospital, and only ten days of her demands to come home, brought my father to his knees. The rest of us found it easier to rationalise, as she needed to be in hospital for investigations into a suspected heart attack, but it broke my poor Dad’s heart. We do understand what you’re facing and how upsetting it is.
Thank you for your kind words and practical observations too


Registered User
Apr 2, 2024
Oh, I sympathize with your situation. If your husband is receiving funding through CHC, it is important to consider that this may be due to his current condition and need for specialist care.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2023
This is horrible for you - and him - I think everyone on here "gets" that. But the very simple fact is you do not have POA - you are not in a position to make decisions about his health and welfare. If you were to try to take him home and it was deemed that he didn't have capacity to decide for himself what was best for him then his continuing care is completely out of your hands. He must have quite serious problems to be getting CHC - so it is unlikely that permission would be given for you to take him home. You could get into serious trouble if you decided to do so. I'm sorry.
Sorry but what do you mean by ‘ serious trouble’?


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I'm sure @Jools1402 will be along soon to explain, but from what you've said I really think things wouldn't improve. Ask your husband for more details about home and what he thinks life there will be like. As others have said he might not be referring to your home at all, and even if he is he'll soon be just as unhappy there as it the care home. I'm afraid it is the nature of the disease.
You've been given some good ideas about how to deflect the conversation. If they don't work, maybe don't visit for a few days and see if that breaks the cycle.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Mother in law fooled all the medics. She HAS capacity they said
Bullied everyone to get her home
Agreed to everything in the care plan just get me home !

Once she got home she had a dicky fit !!
Why is there a hospital bed in the middle of the lounge

What’s all that clutter (hoist)!!!

Phoned family.
Tell carer to come back I have decided I do want a wee after all Carer just left mum. Next one comes in four hours, just like you said was do able

In the end district nurses put her on an adult at risk register

The whole set up was unrealistic from the start

But the patient has capacity!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Doesn’t one have to assume that carers are qualified and capable of using a hoist ?
Otherwise , I agree with you
It does sound challenging
I am just trying to think what’s best for him but it’s a nightmare
Care companies pay not much, if anything above National Minimum Wage, often don't pay traveling time between calls.
Getting and retaining staff is a constant uphill fight for them.
The company may have a few "trained and experienced" staff, but there is a real chance they will not be regularly sent to you.
As said already, a morning visit, could be any time between 7am 11.30am, lunch 10.30-3pm etc.
They don't come "on call" when you need them, but at their convenience.
Such is the world of Care at Home.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad tidings, the advice given by others, may not be what you want hear, however the voices of experience have spoken.



Registered User
Oct 17, 2021
I can fully empathise with you wishing to bring your husband home as I feel like this almost 50% of the day.
If your husband has been awarded CHC he has challenging behaviour (you can’t get funding unless they do) so I agree that it may be very difficult caring for him at home. If this behaviour settles then the CHC funding often ends too.
As you don’t have POA you legally cannot remove your husband from the home, sadly you (in the eyes of the law) have no rights to request any method of care your husband receives. If you tried to remove him you could even be removed from the premises by the police. As a wife you can discuss his care with the carers/manager but they are not legally bound to tell you anything.
Dementia is such a complex condition and symptoms are unique to each individual although types ie Alzheimers, Lewey body follow the same pathways. How your husband experiences his journey will be different than others. I’m saying this because you know your husband better than any of us giving advice. Personally I don’t agree with the visit less approach, all this does is save you the emotional distress as the ‘not seen, doesn’t happen’ mindset. Yes you do need some time away to rejuvenate (and not feel guilty doing it) so you can cope with the next visit.
Home as some have mentioned may mean another place where your husband felt safe, warm, happy. It may not mean a place, it may be he needs the toilet, is hungry or thirsty. As his condition advances communication will become more challenging as he loses the ability to retrieve the correct words and non-verbal cues will become more apparent. Does the care home have a regular toileting regime as routine? By regular I mean every two hour check, guide to the toilet not every six hours changing as he may simply need to void. What a lot of people don’t realise is that incontinence doesn’t necessarily appear with dementia it is more the inability to recognise how to access the toilet or the ability to get there. I mention this as the home my husband is in only checks 6 hourly then changes, I am in a constant battle trying to get them to accept that his incontinence is due to their inability to notice/recognise/act on his non verbal cues as when I’m lucky to get carers to take him to the toilet he passes urine almost immediately. Often I think he would be better off at home, if he’s going to sit in wet pants/pads for hours he may as well at home! I know that I wouldn’t be able to hoist him and change him as he is in his final part of the journey and needs all care. If I didn’t visit very often I would be completely oblivious of his needs.
The truth is homes cannot deliver the care you would want for your loved ones, they do their best but as someone mentioned pay low wages and training is probably not as effective as it should be. This is no different for home care and as someone mentioned they can arrive at any time. They are often not given any travelling time between clients and times allocated are often not sufficient for the time some require.
I’d try talking to the Manager as someone mentioned but would say ‘good luck’ as I got nowhere when I spoke to the Manager at my husbands home.
Use the different tactics ie ‘home being decorated’ etc anything that would be feasible, I was just honest with my husband and told him that I can’t manage him at home due to my physical health which he accepted.
Have some photo books in his room and pictures on the wall (probably best option) for some familiarity so if he does wander into his room he’ll see them. Is there an activities co-ordinator at the home? Perhaps they can get him involved with some of the activities which would help him to gain a sense of ‘belonging’. Sometimes they will send you little videos to show how he is when you are not around, this may help to reassure you that he is ok.
It doesn’t get easier, I still cry and it’s been 18 months since my husband went into a home, as I suspect that the majority of us do. When the guilt is too bad have a day to yourself, it doesn’t make visiting easier but it helps you to cope. Hopefully your husband will soon settle into his new home.


New member
Feb 23, 2024
My husband is in memory care 4 months now. He was doing better but all of a sudden begs me to bring him home. It breaks my heart and gives me terrible guilt but I tell him the dr said he must stay there. He wants me to stay with him in his room. I just try to change the subject but it is so hard to see him upset. I often think maybe I should try to care for him at home but he relied on me to get him up and down, in and out of bed and me to constantly to help him. In this facili y he has to do for himself and he does it, but as soon as I am there he asks me to pull him up again. I see him every day but the caregivers (who are wonderful to him) tell me I should not come so often. This just makes for more guilt as I feel I am abandoning him. My heart wants to bring him home but my common sense tells me I should not.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2023
I can fully empathise with you wishing to bring your husband home as I feel like this almost 50% of the day.
If your husband has been awarded CHC he has challenging behaviour (you can’t get funding unless they do) so I agree that it may be very difficult caring for him at home. If this behaviour settles then the CHC funding often ends too.
As you don’t have POA you legally cannot remove your husband from the home, sadly you (in the eyes of the law) have no rights to request any method of care your husband receives. If you tried to remove him you could even be removed from the premises by the police. As a wife you can discuss his care with the carers/manager but they are not legally bound to tell you anything.
Dementia is such a complex condition and symptoms are unique to each individual although types ie Alzheimers, Lewey body follow the same pathways. How your husband experiences his journey will be different than others. I’m saying this because you know your husband better than any of us giving advice. Personally I don’t agree with the visit less approach, all this does is save you the emotional distress as the ‘not seen, doesn’t happen’ mindset. Yes you do need some time away to rejuvenate (and not feel guilty doing it) so you can cope with the next visit.
Home as some have mentioned may mean another place where your husband felt safe, warm, happy. It may not mean a place, it may be he needs the toilet, is hungry or thirsty. As his condition advances communication will become more challenging as he loses the ability to retrieve the correct words and non-verbal cues will become more apparent. Does the care home have a regular toileting regime as routine? By regular I mean every two hour check, guide to the toilet not every six hours changing as he may simply need to void. What a lot of people don’t realise is that incontinence doesn’t necessarily appear with dementia it is more the inability to recognise how to access the toilet or the ability to get there. I mention this as the home my husband is in only checks 6 hourly then changes, I am in a constant battle trying to get them to accept that his incontinence is due to their inability to notice/recognise/act on his non verbal cues as when I’m lucky to get carers to take him to the toilet he passes urine almost immediately. Often I think he would be better off at home, if he’s going to sit in wet pants/pads for hours he may as well at home! I know that I wouldn’t be able to hoist him and change him as he is in his final part of the journey and needs all care. If I didn’t visit very often I would be completely oblivious of his needs.
The truth is homes cannot deliver the care you would want for your loved ones, they do their best but as someone mentioned pay low wages and training is probably not as effective as it should be. This is no different for home care and as someone mentioned they can arrive at any time. They are often not given any travelling time between clients and times allocated are often not sufficient for the time some require.
I’d try talking to the Manager as someone mentioned but would say ‘good luck’ as I got nowhere when I spoke to the Manager at my husbands home.
Use the different tactics ie ‘home being decorated’ etc anything that would be feasible, I was just honest with my husband and told him that I can’t manage him at home due to my physical health which he accepted.
Have some photo books in his room and pictures on the wall (probably best option) for some familiarity so if he does wander into his room he’ll see them. Is there an activities co-ordinator at the home? Perhaps they can get him involved with some of the activities which would help him to gain a sense of ‘belonging’. Sometimes they will send you little videos to show how he is when you are not around, this may help to reassure you that he is ok.
It doesn’t get easier, I still cry and it’s been 18 months since my husband went into a home, as I suspect that the majority of us do. When the guilt is too bad have a day to yourself, it doesn’t make visiting easier but it helps you to cope. Hopefully your husband will soon settle into his new home.
Thank you very much for your words of wisdom
I do know that it makes sense but as Pap says ( next comment ) your head tells you something but your heart tells you different
Also , I sometimes worry that if my husband has to stay there permanently and something happens to him eventually, I will always feel guilty that I didn’t try harder to bring him home
I just think it will haunt me for the rest of my days
My husband has no mobility so he can’t wander in and out of the room
He seems depressed all the time , he doesn’t like being in the care home and he makes it known to me !
I don’t relish the idea of carers at home either as I would resent the intrusion so I would probably try and cope on my own and that wouldn’t be physically possible , I don’t know about emotionally
So there you are , there seems to be no possible end to my torment
It helps to have people like you who reply to posts
Please reply again if you can , thank you so much


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Im sorry if this gives offence. but you seem to be basing this decision on easing your distress of hearing the constant desire to go home.
Your husband sounds like he is very ill , and he is in the right place. Im afraid you will just have to put your desire for the requests to stop aside . You cannot cope at home, you have to come to terms with that .and just tell him whatever to put him off


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
It is almost universal with people who have dementia in the later stages to want to "go home". They may not mean the home that they have come from, though. My mum wanted to "go home", but she didnt mean her bungalow, nor the family home - she meant her childhood home that was bombed in the war. Truly a mission impossible!!

What she (and other people with dementia who say this) really wanted, though, was to go somewhere from her past where she felt safe and she thought that if she went there then she would leave all her confusion behind, not understanding that she would simply take it all with her. There are people up and down the country who are demanding to go home when, in reality, they are sitting in their own homes.

Taking your husband home may not stop the demands to go home, unfortunately. He may not recognise his home, the home he wants may be a different home (its often a childhood home), but - more importantly - taking him back will not get rid of his confusion so in his mind he will not be "home"

Just use the distraction techniques already outlined in this thread


Registered User
May 17, 2024
Distraction. Distraction. Distraction. Home is an idea of a safe place where he was young and fit and healthy. The past is a another country they do things differently there..... Make scrapbook books of pictures, photos and souvenirs of places and events he lived, worked or holidayed in when younger. Bring them out, and say - show me, tell me. Bring back the happy past, write down what he says to read together next time. Friends, family and carers can do this too. Include pictures of where he is now. My mum wanted to go home, she meant 1000 miles away in East Germany where she grew up. So glad she visited a few times after the Fall of the Wall. I like to think of her spirit wandering the forest, swimming and rowing in the lake, and cycling around the area. She died a year ago
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Registered User
Nov 15, 2023
Distraction. Distraction. Distraction. Home is an idea of a safe place where he was young and fit and healthy. The past is a another country they do things differently there..... Make scrapbook books of pictures, photos and souvenirs of places and events he lived, worked or holidayed in when younger. Bring them out, and say - show me, tell me. Bring back the happy past, write down what he says to read together next time. Friends, family and carers can do this too. Include pictures of where he is now. My mum wanted to go home, she meant 1000 miles away in Eat Germany where she grew up. So glad she visited a few times after the Fall of the Wall. I like to think of her spirit wandering the forest, swimming and rowing in the lake, and cycling around the area. She died a year ago
Thank you so much for your kind message
Keep the happy memories from your mum x


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My husband was in a Care Home for three months. Whilst there he continually wanted to 'come home' but he didn't know anything about our house except the tree on the green opposite. He was then sectioned and went to a Specialist Dementia Unit for seven weeks. Whilst there he was monitored and assessed constantly. All of the staff that assessed him said he wanted to come home to be with me. I wanted him home desperately but it took the seven weeks and a long battle before they were happy to release him home. I was also monitored to see if I would take care of him properly and his mood when I was with him. He first came home for half a day brought home by the Occupational Therapist. The OT monitored him going into our house and using the stairs and walking round the rooms and garden. He also checked for any obvious hazards or potential problems. My husband was obviously very happy to be here. He was then brought home for a full day, then an overnight stay then two nights. I was de-briefed by the nursing staff after each visit to see if there were any problems. Social Workers then put various safety things in place and arranged for carers each day. They also monitored us for about two months to see if there were any problems. I was under no illusions that if things were not working out, he would go to another Care Home.

He has now been home for a year but there are still occasions when he wants to 'go home'. On the whole, we are both very happy to be together again but I am finding it difficult to deal with the home, garden, finances, shopping etc on my own. My first priority is looking after him but that usually means I have very little energy to deal with anything else. I am lucky that he is mobile although the incontinence is difficult to deal with but I still believe he is in the right place.

I believe we are the exception but because his home-coming was handled by people who really understood dementia, I think it was the right decision. It certainly isn't a decision I would have taken on my own without the help of experts.