Re: Poems in a booklet


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006
I’m posting this here for you all can read and give your own views!!

Hi Tina One and all,

The idea of having some of the Poems from the website published into a book for the benefit of the AZ society is something I have been saying myself for a very long time as there are a lot of very good poems here that express our innermost feelings within the illness from many perspectives but as yet know one has taken the idea any further, in fact at the end of last year I decided to try and do something about it myself and put together a collection of some of the poems from the Alzheimer’s Forum and AZ society websites in a decretive booklet form with the title (Poetic Thoughts) as a downloadable Words document, I did this so that people with our illness could keep the booklet by there side to read at there leisure, to make it easy for downloading the booklet is in to follow on parts, to view the booklet and download it go to and go into the poetry section, also in the multimedia section you will find some of my own poems that I have personally recorded for the benefit of people who like to hear poems recited to them rather than reading.

So I whole heartedly agree with you that it could prove to be immensely financially beneficial for the AZ society if someone could publish such poems, but I guess the problem would then arise of getting the permission from all the contributors of the poems otherwise it might be considered an invasion of there own privacy, but having said that I’m sure that could still be achieved if the AS was to ask people to send there poems again to a specific contact within the AS on a pre laid out reply form that states the sender is giving there authority for there poem / poems to be used in a publication, question is could the AS be involved with producing a publication or would it need to be done by a third party?

In fact there are so many poems on the AZ society websites that it could be considered to call the book (One hundred and one Immortal thoughts)

But if this is impossible to do then I will put a collection of some of the poems together again at the end of the year just for the websites as I’m sure it helps in broadening the awareness to the general public



Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
Hi Barry,

I have sent an e mail about the poems and book idea but not had a reply from the AZ Society yet. It would be a lot of work for you to collate them, and they go back much futher than this last year.

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Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Dear Barry, this idea has cropped up from time to time in the past.

Great credit to you for doing what you can.
I do so just enjoy reading your own work. Take care now, love n'hugs.


Registered User
May 19, 2009
Lovely Idea

Hi Barry
After reading any of the poems on TP I have often wanted copies and often said they should be put into a TP Book - I am hopeless on the mechanics of computers or forums etc etc and can never find or search properly for downloading Mmmm not sure about all that. BUT still a lovely Idea. Yours and everyones poems are so very inspirational and so so soothing they say it all for all of us.
Sounds like a lot of hard work, and maybe very expensive to put into action......but would be lovely all the same.
Just had to reply and say thanks again.
Starshine x


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006

Could someone please tell me who to contact in the Alzheimer’s society in respect of any publications as from what I see today in the June issue of LWD they do in-fact produce there own publications for sale would this be the right E-mail address? But who is the contact person?

Any advice will be very much appreciated so that I can peruse the ideas I have further



Registered User
Jan 28, 2009
Poems in a Booklet

Hi Barry,

I agree, your poems are so inspirational. You should look into this further.

I am currently looking into just this to raise money for my local branch of the Alzheimers Society and Parkinsons Disease. Currently I am looking for a sponsor and have a couple of leads in this area. I have determined the costs etc of publication and have a few people helping me to get this off the ground.

I have set myself a project and hope to have it all completed by September during the Alzheimers Awareness Week.

Publishing my poems came from the encouragement I got from members of the Club I attend and friends and family. I thought, this was a good way to raise some funds for such good charities and hopefully raise awareness on what it is like from a Carers perspective, and also from my husband's. I also find it very therapeutic to write down all my feelings. (I have never written poetry before February of this year and I started writing it following a really 'down and weepy' period when I was struggling, as a wife and carer).

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

Should you wish me to forward some costings etc., I am happy to do this via a private email.



Registered User
Oct 2, 2007
Could someone please tell me who to contact in the Alzheimer’s society in respect of any publications as from what I see today in the June issue of LWD they do in-fact produce there own publications for sale would this be the right E-mail address? But who is the contact person?

Hi Barry

I think that the best person to contact about your idea would be Helen Helmer, who is our Publications Manager.

Just so you know, the workforce development team produce educational and training publications (some of which, as you mentioned, are for sale). For more information about these publications, please see

Hope this helps and Good Luck! :)
