Question about moods


Registered User
Sep 16, 2005
Does anyone here who has been diagnosed with dementia, remember struggling desperately with a kind of short lived depression that came and went?

The reason I am asking is my father has had early onset dementia for the past 11yrs and I suffer from such depressive episodes and so wonder if they could be a pre-cursor? Its not bi-polar/manic depression. I also have days where I wake up and feel like I was someone else, not me, the night before. :eek: My mum said Dad used to get that feeling too. I call them disassociation episodes, but they don't fit within any psychological definition of this.

I get this feeling of not being able to control my mind and not being able to remember what happiness feels like. I know I can be happy, and am able to be happy, but when these moods hit, I can't remember happiness. I am also shocking at misplacing things, but always have been.

I would say that it is probably either just that I have always been a little unstable mood wise or its fallout from losing my Dad for so long. But I want to know does anyone with a dementia diagnosis remember having mood problems like mine?

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Nat my love , I can well remember you being very happy on many occasions, just think your constant , single handed care for your dad for many years has taken its toll. how is your mum and dad at moment , is mum still manging with him at home, and how is your life mapping out now take care love Pamxx


Registered User
Sep 16, 2005
Hi Pam,

I hope you are doing as well as you can be. lol I can always count on you to be checking up on me. Thanks for that.

I replied to your request for an update on Dad, in the thread I started in the Younger Onset section, 'Well done'. I also posted pics of Dad there.

I guess I feel like I am going crazy sometimes and it scares the bejeesus out of me. My brother and sister cope fine, so I don't know why I struggle so much. I just want to get over it but I can't. I guess you probably know how that feels.

Lots of love to you.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2009

My husband with alzheimers,got kind a moody and temparmental.His dr. gives him an anti-depressant.which realy helped.As far as me,i try to be as up beat as possible.god willing,i will stay well enough to care for my husband..he would have done the same for me.After my beautiful sister in law died of lung cancer at 54.Never smoked strong lady and she told me what she went through..i think but for the grace of god go i ...this gives me strength to carry on..she was so brave in the face of it...i loved her her name was pan....i use it in my on-line monicer.....congratulations to beautiful big ben for their 150 yrs. anniversity!