Public toilets - Radar key


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Buy Radar key

Hi all, I have just seen an old post that referred to hoping for the best when someone's PWD is using a public toilet, and I thought that I would inform you of my solution, curtesy of my son.

Our problem started at motorway services. My wife got to a point where she couldn't find the cubicle in the ladies. She would go in, with me waiting outside, and then come out confused as she couldn't find where to go to the toilet. My son, who was with us pointed out the Radar key scheme, see link above. I now have said key in my bag whenever we go out, which greatly easiest things. I now go into the accessibility toilet with her.

Recently we went to a new (to us) toilet and I couldn't believe it. I even took a picture. (Sad I know :)). Loads of space, and even a shower and a hoist. I hope others find this useful.



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
That is really useful information for our members @Fugs, thank you for sharing. What an amazing toilet.
Ps, you are not the first of our members to post similar pics. :)