Psychologist involvement in diagnosis


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Just wondered if anyone has had experience of a psychologist being involved in the diagnosis decision. My husband who is 68 has attended Memory Clinic and they now want him to see a psychologist. We are awaiting notification of when this will be.
Finding this diagnosis journey very stressful. We would love to go abroad on holiday, but can't get travel insurance until he has a diagnosis.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I haven't @hylyne but I would accept whatever help and support is offered,

My husband was treated for depression for a year before his diagnosis. I think the medics want to rule out any other possibilities which might rule out dementia.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Yes my mum saw a psychologist because there was a question mark over her anxiety levels impacting on her memory( long story , lots of trauma) After one session the psychologist was very clear that mum had Alzheimer’s.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
The consultant who gave my husband his diagnosis was a psychiatrist from the department of ‘old age psychiatry’ but he then attended some sessions with a psychologist at the same hospital. I wasn’t present at these as he wanted to see my husband alone.

Bay Tree

Registered User
Jun 19, 2023
Hello. My husband saw a psychologist following brain scan and a memory test completed at home. During the first session, the psychologist spoke to both of us about lots of different things and made notes. We then had a second appointment where my husband completed a raft of various tests with the psychologist and I completed a questionnaire about my husband. She then said that she would assess the tests and either he would be called back in to take more of them or she would take the results to the team (including consultant). He didn't take more tests but she called us back in and gave us a diagnosis of MCI. A year down the line and my husband deteriorated and following another referral the memory clinic, he was given a diagnosis of Alzheimer's but no further appointment with the psychologist. Not sure how helpful this info will be as not sure if Memory clinics work in different ways in different areas.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
@hylyne my wife's initial diagnosis of Early Onset Alzheimer's was from a Psychologist. The MRI scan that she had earlier in the year showed nothing unusual. (Apparently not unusual for for Early Onset) Assuming that we were dealing with depression we were referred to a Psychologist. (And I admit here that I am fuzzy about the difference between a Psychologist and Psychiatrist). I can't fault the lady as she did a very thorough assessment, talking to both my wife and I together and individually (the first and only person to do this). Then she conducted a series of tests on my wife, reaching the Alzheimer's diagnosis. We then eventually got referred to the Old Persons Mental Health clinic, and the consultant we saw was initially very sceptical about the diagnosis. Following a PET-CT scan and an OT assessment, he concurred with the Psychologist's assessment.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Hello Hylyne, .just much the same as Bay Tree said, my oh had memory test at home, then was sent for a brain scan, we then had to see the psychologist, who told us he had Alzheimers, he was started on low doze of Donepezil, to see if he was ok with it, then it was increased , mental health nurse came to see him every 4 weeks for the first year, I think the psychologist arranges the scan...hope this helps..


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Thank you everyone for your responses. The nurse at memory clinic felt that my husband showed lack of effort in his tests. She also said that anxiety was causing problems. He is unable to read a book or access the internet. He has been an avid reader all of his life. It is all so sad.