
New member
May 16, 2024
My father has dementia. We have 24/7 carers in his home and I live nearby. With his express permission I do all banking etc and he has given permission for me to talk to gp. We have POA, both financial and health ready to go with solicitors, signed three years ago. If I activate them, will he still be able to use his bank card in cafes etc? I would life to feel normal for him, but sometimes life gets complicated with me unofficially having POA but not technically! Thoughts please. Google doesn’t help! J


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
In a word yes, he can continue to use his card. Someone having a PoA doesn't prove he lacks captivity even if the PoA has been activated. K


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Yes get the finance POA enacted asap so that you can act as his attorney when you need to and register this with his bank. He will still be an able to access his money unless the time comes when it is nolonger safe for him to do so. By doing this you are protecting him and yourself as it will be clear who is doing what and why.
You can get the LPA for health and welfare registered but you can’t use it until such time as he nolonger has mental capacity.
By getting them both registered now you will be saving yourself a job later when you may have your hands full.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Agree with above assuming no added clause in POA that prevents it.

We have POA, both financial and health ready to go with solicitors,
could mean Scotland where there is not a standard form each power being drafted individually by solicitor and needing solicitor action to activate.